Courtesy of Immediate Vision Productions

CONVERSATIONS IN LA: The Show We Should All Be Talking About

4 min readSep 23, 2017


For years, Angelenos have been stereotyped based upon their verbal communication styles and skills — or the lack thereof. Many of those who live outside the Southern California bubble dismiss Angelenos’ conversations as reflections of the fantasy world they believe we live in where the line between reality and fiction is often blurred. True depth, substance, and emotion are not common for Conversations in LA — dialogue for Angelenos is limited to edited soundbites.

InSummer 2015, these Clueless misperceptions of Conversations in LA inspired TV development executive, Jesse Margolis to launch an Instagram feed called @OverheardLA. Delicate curation and simplicity showcase an entertaining selection of random, snippets of conversations overheard by eavesdropping neighbors. For 651,000 loyal followers — including Jennifer Lopez and Vanessa Hudgens — @OverheardLA shares the outrageous, absurd, and often tone deaf musings of Angelenos. We do say the darndest things while sweating at doggie yoga class in Santa Monica, hiking in coordinated outfits in Runyon Canyon, and during a Snake Venom Age Control Facial appointment with Sonya Dakar.

With Hollywood as a backdrop, Angelenos are committed to Keeping Up With the Kardashians with the Shas of Sunset by their sides while in pursuit of becoming the next housewife of Beverly…

