What is “As Above, So Below?” A Deep Dive into the Ancient Adage

Noah Lowry
2 min readAug 30, 2023


The phrase “As Above, So Below” is an age-old adage that carries profound philosophical, spiritual, and metaphysical meanings.

Originating from the sacred texts of the Hermetic tradition, the phrase has been adopted and referenced by various spiritual movements, esoteric teachings, and even modern pop culture.

But what does it truly mean?

Let’s explore its origins, interpretations, and significance.


The saying is primarily attributed to the “Emerald Tablet,” a compact and cryptic Hermetic text that is believed to hold the secrets of alchemy and the nature of reality.

The full phrase from the text reads: “As above, so below; as below, so above.”

This succinctly captures the idea that the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (individual beings) are reflections of one another.

Philosophical and Spiritual Significance

At its heart, “As Above, So Below” alludes to the idea that the universe and everything within it is interconnected.

It suggests that earthly events and our personal experiences are reflections of celestial or cosmic events.

For many spiritual traditions, it serves as a reminder that:

• Inner reflects Outer: Our internal state, thoughts, and emotions can manifest in our external reality.

• Universal Connection: What happens on a grand cosmic scale has its counterpart in the personal and vice versa.

Applications in Alchemy and Astrology

In alchemy, this principle is seen in the idea that the transformation of base metals into gold on an external level parallels an inner spiritual transformation.

In astrology, the positions and movements of celestial bodies (above) are thought to influence events and personalities on Earth (below).

Modern Interpretations and Pop Culture

Over the years, “As Above, So Below” has permeated into various areas of culture and study:

• Psychology: Carl Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious can be seen as a manifestation of this principle. He believed that there are archetypes and symbols that are universally shared, suggesting a common thread running through all of humanity.

• Popular Culture: Films, music, and literature often use this phrase as a metaphor or central theme, exploring the interconnectedness of various aspects of life.

Personal Empowerment

For many, understanding and embodying the principle of “As Above, So Below” is a pathway to personal empowerment.

By recognizing the interconnectedness of all things and the reflection between the inner and outer worlds, individuals can better align with their purposes and navigate challenges.

In conclusion, “As Above, So Below” is not just a saying; it’s a worldview.

It challenges us to see the universe in ourselves and ourselves in the universe.

Whether you encounter it in a spiritual context, in the arts, or in personal introspection, it serves as a profound reminder of the interconnected tapestry of existence.

