3 Reasons Social Media Video Content Will Skyrocket Brand Recognition in 2016

Noble Crawford
3 min readFeb 3, 2016


It’s become very apparent over the last couple of years that social media video is poised to dominate the internet within the next few years. Studies have shown that by 2017 over 74% of internet traffic will be made up of video.

Couple that with the fact that live video streaming is on the rise, the perfect storm exists for developing personal and business brand recognition.

With easy access to mobile displays, new video apps being developed on a regular basis, and consumer demand for video consumption… the writing is on the wall for brands to seize the opportunity in 2016.

Viral videos go viral for two reasons: #1 craveable content that is #2 easily consumable. Mobile displays and social video are ubiquitous these days. A match made in heaven, some might say.

Brands have exploited this marriage and reaped huge rewards. Successful brands such as Red Bull and Samsung are identified in Unruly Media’s ranking as #2 and #3 consecutively for the most shared brand this past year with video.

To position your brand to take advantage of the millions of potential buyers consuming mobile video content on a daily basis, create short content (shareable) videos that are relevant to your buyers; yet specifically suited for these devices.

The growth of social video apps are an indication of our increased appetite for visual content. Just in the last year alone, we’ve witnessed the birth of Meerkat, Periscope, Blab, and now Facebook Live, with more options just around the corner.

Each of the platforms, although different, provide opportunities for brands to capitalize in a two ways:

  • Be an early adopter of the application, develop your expertise quickly, and solidify your position as a thought leader for new users. This can be especially beneficial if you are a video-centric brand.
  • Tap into a new audience that your brand may not have had access to prior. Typically, new video apps that take off create a frenzy of new users in a very short time period.

Brands that show up to the party early have a better chance of attracting the attention of their target buyer before competitors.

However, better late than never. If you’re just getting started with social media video after the fact, then join or start conversations. Get involved in what the early adopters are talking about or get people talking about something of interest to the group.

Either way, leverage social video apps to build your brand.

The stats speak for themselves. There are 107.1 million mobile video viewers in the US. According to Reel SEO, half of those are viewed through social media channels.

With so much video being viewed within social media apps, brands that position their video assets on the right channels, and target segmented viewers within those channels, benefit from the exposure to a highly engaged audience.

Today’s consumer is compelled by emotionally-driven content. Video content that stirs emotion and is memorable gets shared. This shared content has the ability to go viral. While creating viral videos should not be your focus, creating videos with viral attributes should be. Consumers crave it, your brand should provide it.

There has never been a better time to leverage the demand for video content, which is primarily being consumed through social media apps, by engaged audiences, on their mobile devices.

Boost your brand recognition in 2016 by creating social media videos that your buyers want to see.

Not sure where to begin? Download our handy checklist entitled 25 Worry Free, Easy to Follow Steps to Your Next Video Production Project.

Originally published at Video Social Creative.



Noble Crawford

Technology-focused entrepreneur with a passion for helping tech companies use #InboundMarketing to make an impact in their business. www.videosocialcreative.com