3 Smart Options for Creating Customer-Centric Marketing Content

Noble Crawford
4 min readFeb 10, 2016


Sales and marketing teams that are serious about increasing leads and sales must first produce regular (and relevant) content on a consistent basis. Educating and providing value that is focused on customers rather than sales is customer-centric marketing.

By now, most companies have realized that buyers will never purchase the same way they used to. Those days are gone! Instead, your future customers are finding the answers they need online, long before you even know they exist.

In fact, you’re likely missing out on lucrative opportunities right now because prospective customers don’t know who you are. And because you don’t know who they are, their identities shall remain nameless. This is a losing position. The very thought of it is scary.

But, there is an answer.

The solution is found in becoming the resource for your customers’ problems or opportunities, when and where they are searching for answers. The equation looks something like this:

Relevant Content + Right Context @ Right Stage = More Leads & Sales

Become the go-to resource for your customers and the sales will follow.

In order to produce relevant content, you must first understand what your customers pain points are. Aside from interviewing former and current clients (which we highly recommend), there is no better way to obtain this information than within your own organization.

Each and every employee probably has a handful of customer-related questions they are commonly asked. From these questions, the answers to your customers problems can be found.

For salespeople, they likely have specific questions that almost every prospect or customer asks. These questions should be answered on your website. Period. The philosophy of “They Ask, You Answer” shared by Marcus Sheridan, is the #1 goal here.

While this may sound simple, most companies are ineffective at producing good internal content because they don’t understand how to extract it from their employees. Not every employee is good at writing a blog post. Some are better suited to recording audio while others may enjoy being on-camera.

Here are three smart options for creating customer-centric marketing content:

One of the best ways to pull rich content from an employee (introvert or otherwise) is simply asking questions and recording the conversation. Salespeople, many of whom like to talk, have no problem going into great detail in answering some of their customers questions.

These same questions are being researched online by potential prospects.

An audio recording can easily be transcribed and later re-written into a blog post. It can also be edited into a series of audio Q&A snippets for a podcast or other audio medium. Repurposing audio content is a great way to become a resource through different channels.

This option is a bit more involved but can yield tremendous results. Ask around and find employees who like to be on video and are not camera shy.

Using the same technique as with audio, capture employees on camera answering customers most frequently asked questions. Ensure that employees are well-lit, use a microphone, and not in a noisy environment.

Edit the videos to give them some polish. Video makes a statement regarding the image of your brand like no other medium. Make sure you produce video content that represents your brand well.

Like audio, video content can be repurposed into written form for your website. The audio from the video can also be extracted to provide additional audio content.

Drip out the videos on a weekly basis (2–3 per week). Add video SEO and Google will reward you for the content and consistency.

Good writing may come naturally to a select few but it typically comes with training and/or practice. Although some employees may not have the knack for writing well, they may feel more comfortable jotting down their thoughts- as it relates to customer questions.

This is a great place to start. This content can be passed on to a seasoned writer or someone who is good enough to re-write it for a blog. The whole idea is to capture the information in the most favorable way possible.

The best way to put this into practice and ensure success is to designate one individual. Ideally, a dedicated Content Manager will oversee all aspects of your content creation and distribution strategy.

If finding in-house talent to create quality written content doesn’t work out, hire a freelance journalist or intern. If audio or video editing cannot be performed in-house, outsource it to a third party. If your marketing team is small or lacks the resources to take on additional work, consider partnering with an agency.

Remember, you want to educate your potential customers and be the go-to resource for all their questions. Customer-centric content created with audio, video, and blog posts will help you deliver the most relevant information when and where they need it most.

Your biggest and best customers are still out there. And they are searching for solutions. Use any or all of these three options to help them find you.

If you’re a technology focused company looking for additional types of content to increase traffic, leads, and sales then Download our Free Guide, 7 Content Pieces That Drive Technology Sales

Originally published at Video Social Creative.



Noble Crawford

Technology-focused entrepreneur with a passion for helping tech companies use #InboundMarketing to make an impact in their business. www.videosocialcreative.com