Noil Corp Inc : A member of the American Petroleum Institute-Steve Neely

Noil Corp Inc - CEO Steve Neely
2 min readAug 13, 2022


Being a leading fuel supplier and fuel management solution provider across the country for more than six decades, Noil Corp has achieved a prestigious membership of API. The American Petroleum Institute has a rigorous membership application process that everyone needs to follow. Noil has successfully passed all the strict requirements of such a renowned association. Steve NeelyThe CEO of Noil Corp has expressed his gratitude towards the employees after receiving such an honourable position in the US oil and gas supplying market.

Steve Neely

About API:

American Petroleum Institute — as a national trade association represents the nation’s best oil & gas solution providers. Founded 90 years ago, the American organization has now more than 600 members. It represents such a big industry that offers jobs for over 10 million Americans. The organization is working to strengthen the fuel industry across the US and across its borders. API also engages in activities to promote their members’ works and to represent them in the legal arrangements.

Noil Corp Inc is now a part of this elite association of 600 members. The basic accreditation framework, safety standards and training policies in the US petroleum industry are being formed by all the members of API working together. Being a respected member of API, Noil is about to promote and fund all these activities of API, in every aspect of the oil and natural gas industry.

While expressing his pleasure in accepting API membership, Steve Neelythe president and CEO of Noil Corp has stated that it’s a huge achievement for the company. It’s not only because of being a member of the organization full of the largest fuel solution providers in the country but because Noil has the ability to pass the strict requirements of API membership too.

Noil Corp Inc

Therefore, Noil Corp Inc is now expecting a better impact and positive exposure across the country after receiving the API membership.



Noil Corp Inc - CEO Steve Neely

Noil Corp Inc is the name of doing the best fuel supply across the nation. Web :