NFT Heroes of the Nomad Exiles Universe: Basic Info and Classifications

Nomad Exiles
3 min readJul 20, 2022


NFT heroes are in-game characters that make up the player’s squad. The player should have at least one NFT-hero (purchased or rented) to access the game. There is no limit on the maximum number of NFT heroes per player, but usually, only 3 different NFT heroes can be used on the battlefield at the same time. Unique battles will require more than 3 NFT heroes. However, participation in unique battles is possible only while cooperating with other players or renting characters from them.

Each NFT hero has its own unique set of characteristics and skills that are used on the battlefield and in the side in-game activities (dialogues, puzzle-solving, and others). The complete combination of characteristics and skills of each hero is unique. There are no two identical heroes, and the main differences are grade, race, class, and level.


The grade is the degree of character quality. The grade assigns the appearance, the grade-race-class rareness combination, the number of universal slots in the hero’s armor, and the number of chests keys that the hero can bring being selected as “Favourite” per day. A hero with a higher grade is more difficult to get (Rarity), easier to put on various equipment (Universality), and brings more income (Gain), although costs more.

There are 7 different grades of heroes: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, and Artifact.


Race determines the character’s appearance, affects the team bonus depending on the combination of races in the squad, and gives one race passive skill. Only the human race is available for sale so far.


NFT heroes are of 3 main classes: Warrior, Rogue, and Mage

Class: Warrior (close-in combat)

Portrait: Deprived of life’s pleasures this hero spent his youth in the city barracks. Matured into a roofless warrior he excelled in the art of close combat. None of his challengers lived long enough to verify that though, so, do not even try, or should you?

Class: Rogue (long-range combat)
Portrait: Daughter of the streetlaw she grew up saturating with its narrow and cruel spirit. The impeccable shooting skills of hers serve loyalty to only whoever pays the most.

Class: Mage (magic damage)

Portrait: Mage spent his youth in the Circle of the Wise. Its members maintain a self-contained way of life staying out of city affairs. His staff is his only weapon and no armor is over him. But… a man who’s truly skilled can look quite good in twill!

The set of available skills and basic characteristics is determined by the heroes’ class. Each character carries a passive, an active, and an ultimate class skill.

The character’s class affects what roles a character can perform on the battlefield (tanking, damage, support, etc.).


The level of characters determines the degree of their development and progress. High-level characters are able to successfully fight higher-level opponents and extract more resources, which are also needed for upgrading NFT heroes, to make them more profitable and more expensive.


In addition to combat skills, NFT heroes possess crafting skills. That allows them to craft using different types of buildings to convert one resource to another.

In the next article we’ll tell you how you can use your NFT heroes over the course of the game. We’ll also detail how you can earn using NFT heroes, so stay tuned!


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Survive and Revive Your Empire! ⚔️ P2E role-playing game with integrated NFTs and PVP & PVE mechanics. 🎮