Twitter, Simple Social Media

2 min readMay 20, 2017


That is still complex

Twitter is An amazing social network, and service as a whole. First off I’m a huge fan of Twitter, but putting aside the bias I have there, it’s still amazing for it’s complex simplicity.

Twitter HQ | Image courtesy of Twitter

I know you’re thinking, “Complex Simplicity?”

Twitter, at it’s bare bones, is a micro-blogging platform that capitalized on being short and sweet, they designed the entire service to work within a text message. 140 for your tweet, and the other 20 for a username.

It also fits into our modern throw away society, as so much of the service is built around what’s popular, trending, and what your into at the time.

Their site and app have always been very light weight, compared to other social networks that have a thousand plus features. With Twitter it’s fairly basic, a profile and your updates.

Over time they added direct messaging, and more advanced features while keeping it simple for their average user, such as mentions or tagging other users, photo uploads, and basic profile management.

Short of the original mobile website, it’s also looked really nice, and I like the current iteration of their app and site design.

It still retains the complexity needed for more advanced users, without shoving it in your face. Such as special direct messaging features that allow companies to use multiple profile for one account to offer better customer service. It’s also something they are constantly working on to expand, without ruining what they have.

The biggest “complexity” like any social network, blog, or what feels like anything internet related, is mastering Twitter’s version of SEO. How can you properly tag users, use hashtags, and media to better reach your audience and capture their attention. Mind you that some people study this in college and or across their careers to try and “master” it so they can offer their skill set to brands and in turn help them grow.

Over time Twitter has struggled though trying to really define itself as the needs of social media users change, and in recent years they’ve found their home as a media outlet, for bloggers, news organizations, and for political campaigns, just to name a few.

The simplicity of twitter, and it’s ability to grow both myself and my brand on a more personal level is why I really like it. Twitter feels more personal, over other social networks that I’ve used. I also feel that I get more interaction with my audience on Twitter, which is a plus for anyone building their brand or self. But I’ve also worked hard to try and figure out what works for me and my brand.




A creative nomad; writer, photographer, videographer, gamer, petrolhead, and javaphile.