Beyond the veil

Sujith Chowdhary
5 min readMay 30, 2017


We see different people everywhere. What makes them different? Is it their race or their bodies or the language or is it their personalities? What is the fundamental difference? I contemplated on this question for a while and I realized that there is none. There is no fundamental difference.

Whatever we do see are only the differences in the programming that every individual had been through.
The programming or conditioning is quite broad. It is genetic, which defines your body and social conditioning that defines your personality. Inborn tendencies are only a form of genetic conditioning. What defines your response to the conditioning is also another layer of conditioning that is not apparent. So in the end we are all just different programs conditioned differently. We are not our thoughts because our thoughts are just a chain reaction, one leading to the other. So what is the Base on which all of this programming stands, the foundation upon which this program comes to life? What is that which is beyond this programming? It may be difficult to comprehend what is beyond it, but it is quite obvious that there is an underlying stratum on which all of this exists. And this fundamental Base is the same within each and every one of us.
That which remains when all of the conditioning has been removed out of perspective is the fundamental self and it is the same in everyone. That which gives all the programs life. We can call it a Soul or anything else and whether it exists physically as some form energy is a different topic altogether. It does exist as an idea though and that is quite clear.
So everything that once I thought I was, was just a program. So when I took a person and removed all the conditioning, I saw the same that I saw in myself. Now I can see myself in the opposite person. When all the variables were removed, only the constant remained.

Humanity is always yearning for connection. ‘No man is an island’. So when I take a deeper perspective of life, I can see the substratum of this life which is beyond any form of conditioning. At this fundamental level we are all one and the same thing. The programming is only superficial and the underlying neither changes nor can be changed, and it is the very Atma. Thus it dawned upon me that at this level, we are all already connected, with one language and as one Being.

However we lost touch with this layer and we identified ourselves increasingly with the superficial programs that govern the choices we make. We judged ourselves and we judged each other. There was a constant fear of judgement accompanied by it. We slowly lost total contact with our true identity and the connection we share.
Now disconnected, we craved for the connection and so we created external means of connecting as we forgot about our inherent Unity. The media was created, the news was made up, telephone, television, the Internet and now social networks such as Facebook popped up. Though we feel connected superficially, we still feel the emptiness and the dissatisfaction. We feel hollow and lost. There are these actual gaps between people and all we do is to fill it with more programs to bridge the gap. All these programs that keep us connected are not sufficient when we crave to connect at a much deeper level. Deep inside we don’t feel fulfilled.

When you stop being a program and realize your true Self which is beyond any form of programming, you will start to notice the same Soul in everyone. The guy filling your tank at the gas station would no longer be some random guy, he will be a Soul, with a program.
So next time you judge someone keep in mind that you are only judging their programming and not them. You will realize how silly it would be to do that in the first place. However judging someone’s program can be useful when you are trying to help them. When someone does a mistake, you judge the underlying program that has caused this mistake and you help them correct it.

To summarize:
1.There is a majority of the population that is unaware of the programming and goes through everyday identifying with their programs.
2.There is a portion of the people who realize the programming aspect and see it as the basis of everything else. They see everyone as robots. There are two branches to it where either (1) only the subject is real and everyone else are robots( like everyone else has their individual parallel universe where they are real and others are robots) or (2) everyone including the subject are just robots.
These people identify with the programming and are consciously aware of it.
3.There is a fraction that understands the programming aspect and is also able to see beyond it, at the fundamental level, the Atma. They identify with the Atma, the unconditional.

Practical steps to be taken would be:
1. Look at your own programming, understand it and notice the fundamental aspect of yourself, which is beyond programming. Identify with your true Self . Start being centered.
2. If there are any inconveniences in your life then change your programming to correct it at the root level. Optimize your own individual efficiency.
3. See beyond the programming and acknowledge the same Atma in the opposite person, and that you are the same as them and the separation and differences are merely in the programming. This will help you to connect with them at the core level. If you are talking to someone and you are not talking to their program then you are indeed directly addressing to their Soul. This will enable you to establish a strong bond with anyone.

One way to define someone is to do so by the choices that they make. Choices are determined by the perception that they hold of the reality. Perception has also been programmed just like any other aspect of us. Everything else is a result of this programming.

Show some love. Love is an anti-entropic force that holds the universe together.

Synchronicity is something that connects all seemingly unrelated random things. Synchronicity stems from the fundamental level, the Atma where everything is connected, where everything is one and the same thing.

Unity, Love and Tranquility.



Sujith Chowdhary

21, Journalist, Explorer, Rascal, story-teller with little to no common sense