Exploring the Flaming Galahs

A Fantastic Entry Into the Australian Web 3.0 Space

3 min readMay 3, 2022

For my first article on the Australian Web 3.0 space, I figured I’d cover how I got started. Curious to hear about how I found my entry into the web3 space? Want to know about an organisation designed to help Aussie students enter the industry? Keep reading to find out what’s around.

My first experiences with the web 3.0 space came about much the same as most people these days, trading cryptocurrency. About six months ago, in November 2021, I was finally convinced to jump aboard the crypto train and set myself up with a Binance account and a couple hundred dollars to trade with. Unsurprisingly, my first couple months weren’t particularly rewarding, getting down to about a 30% loss pretty quickly. Once I finally started to do a little research on how best to trade, it wasn’t long before I found out about a cryptocurrency club at my uni, which I thought would be my ticket to making bank. While that club didn’t pan out, it introduced me to another organisation marketed as being an NFT project ideal for students interested in engaging with technology, a little DAO by the name of the ‘Flaming Galahs’.

3D modelled humanoid galah
Flaming Galahs logo via @GalahDAO

Immediately I was intrigued by the concept, as I’ve always been excited about engaging with technology and the NFT space was not something I’d yet to explore, so I read their litepaper. Being a newbie to the space, I was taken aback by the sheer scope of what was being offered (and if I’m being honest, thought they must have been full of it), but still was intrigued by the idea, so I jumped into the Discord.

Upon joining, the promises of the litepaper were put into perspective and the project became a much more grounded reality. Ignoring the fact that the project was still very much in its infancy (IIRC I was somewhere in the first 30 members), the core premise of an organisation of people excited by web 3.0, developing in the space together really came through. The founders regularly engage with the community, sharing resources to help the community keep up with what happens in the space; new members share their own interests / history in the space, giving an opportunity to learn more about what projects are around; there are even off-topic channels to engage with the community in a more social context. And this is what’s already around, the project is still just beginning.

Looking forward, the Flaming Galahs are planning to launch membership NFTs (for free, because we are students after all), a governance token ($GALAH), a play-to-earn metaverse and even a launchpad platform for treasury-funded projects.

I could keep listing everything there is on offer, but the best way to know what the Flaming Galahs really has to offer is to check it out yourself. So, if you or someone you know are a current Australian university student excited by the prospect of engaging with the field of web 3.0, go check out their website, read through the litepaper and join the Discord. Can’t wait to see you there!

Follow me on twitter @aquathickshell to keep up to date with what projects I explore.




Aussie web 3.0 enthusiast sharing what he finds about the projects launched down under.