Haunting the Hungry Ghosts

Foodie Culture Coming to the Blockchain

2 min readJun 3, 2022

In this article I review the ‘Hungry Ghost Social Club’, a project built around connecting foodies through the NFT space. If you like web3 and good food, keep reading…

Whilst sitting in a Twitter Space a while back, I was browsing through the profiles of some of the speakers. This is something I have found myself doing plenty as of late (I’m even listening to one as I write this). But in this particular space that I was listening to, I was reading into one of the projects that are “by foodies, for foodies”. As someone who loves to eat, it didn’t take much for me to be hooked on the idea and add a Hungry Ghost to my minting list.

My Hungry Ghost (#124)

The Hungry Ghosts Social Club are based out of Melbourne and are all about connecting foodies to the source as best they can. The HGSC have already launched their store with their own line of coffee beans and beanies, and have formed a partnership with Field Day Wine Co. Even though it’s early in the project, moves are definitely being made.

So what’s on the menu for Hungry Ghost holders? Holders are entitled to a 20% discount on the HGSC store, regular Uber Eats discounts, and discounts with their small business partners. There’s plenty more on the horizon that is currently in development too, but I’ll leave that up to you to find out.

If you’re a foodie, someone who loves NFTs or a bit of both, this is a project for you. You can go ahead and check out what else they have to offer through their website below.

If you like what you read, go ahead and follow me here, or check out my Twitter and DeSo profiles to stay up to date with what projects I explore.




Aussie web 3.0 enthusiast sharing what he finds about the projects launched down under.