Meet the MetaBogans

Bringing Beer to the Blockchain

2 min readMay 5, 2022

Continuing my exploration on the Australian Web 3.0 space, I explore the MetaBogans: a budding brewery and bar business building themselves up from a dedicated support base through the form of NFTs.

Before I even began to play around with cryptocurrency, I’d already heard plenty about NFTs and basically thought of them just as futile collections of 8-bit art being traded around on the blockchain. Skip ahead to just after I begun to explore the broader blockchain space, I stumbled across another project touting pixelated profile pictures. Nothing I normally wouldn’t have spent any time looking at, except for a mention of ‘bogans’ catching my eye. I paused to have a chuckle, and started to read through the pitch as I did. At this stage, I begun to realise that this wasn’t just another 8-bit PFP cash-grab, but a project legitimately trying to apply blockchain tech to a greater purpose, ‘MetaBogans’.

My (first) MetaBogan, #1335

The MetaBogans are a project using an NFT collection as a means to fund their business, not through big-time investors, but customers themselves. This approach is an exciting development to see NFTs being used for a purpose beyond just novel, generative artwork collections. In addition to this, the company are promoting rewards for holders, including product discounts, networking opportunities and a vote in key business decisions.

One of the core values that the MetaBogans consistently reinforce is that of community. The founders really stress a focus on supporting and engaging with the community behind the project. A great example of this is their decision to first look towards NFT holders when hiring. Another example is the goal to launch a pub in the metaverse as a way to foster the community in the web3 space.

At the time of writing, the MetaBogans collection is currently still minting, so be sure to jump on in. If this project sounds like something you’d like to investigate further, go ahead and check out the website and join the discord. I’ll see you in the MetaBogans pub!

Follow me on twitter @aquathickshell to keep up to date with what projects I explore.




Aussie web 3.0 enthusiast sharing what he finds about the projects launched down under.