💥Increase Your zkSync Airdrop ($1000+ Potential)


Earn your airdrop by using the zkSync network as intended. Keep it simple, play it smart and you will be rewarded!

👉Airdrop Strategy

We are going to use a new NFT game on zkSync, called Robots Farm: a game with a GameFi DEX that will launch soon! We will garner as many inexpensive transactions as we can, by claiming free NFTs. And, if you play your cards right, you will even become eligible for a second airdrop!

Making daily, cheap transactions will improve your eligibility for the upcoming zkSync Airdrop.

🪂 Airdrop (Quick Guide)

1 - Connect to Robots Farm on zkSync with your favorite wallet.
2 - Use this link to join my Top Guild and receive up to 5 points.
(Tip: more points mean more Airdrop Tokens 💰)
3 - Click “Airdrop” and “Play Free”. Congrats, the NFT is yours!
You can now claim a daily NFT and you also received your first free point if you joined my guild!

Important: if step 3 doesn’t work, follow step 3b to become eligible for one daily, free NFT!

3b - Click ‘Airdrop’ and ‘Get Points’, to get 20 points for 0.01 ETH ($16)
This will unlock free NFTs: you will be able to claim one every day(!)
4 - Use your newly found NFTs to open crates for Airdrop Tokens!

🔥 Qualify and Increase Your zkSync Airdrop

Increase your airdrop for the zkSync network, by interacting with it daily. Buy a low level crate from Element and bridge it to the Robots Farm game. Use your free NFTs to open the crate and use your points to buy the missing items. When opening the crate, you receive airdrop tokens for the Robots Farm game! (Bonus: you might even find a free mint for the future Robot Minting Phase!)

Airdrop tokens and a LEGENDARY Free Mint.

By making a cheap transaction you will become eligible for the zkSync airdrop. By opening the crate, you also receive airdrop tokens for the Robots Farm game (keep reading for more information)!

Deadline (Robots Farm)

The token will go live in a few months. This means that you have a bit of time to prepare for the airdrop and collect your own airdrop tokens! Do not wait too long, because the cost of opening crates keeps increasing!

🪂 Robots Farm Airdrop

You qualify for the Robots Farm airdrop by opening crates. When you open a crate you get a certain amount of tokens, depending on the level of the crate. Check out the items required before you open it, because not all crates are made equally!

💰 Airdrop Token & Value

The amount of tokens you get depends on the level of the crate you open. It can range anywhere from 100 to upwards of 30,000 tokens per crate!

Drop-rate of a level 20 Crate.

The value of the token is based on speculation at this point. But with the zkSync airdrop on its way and the bear market slowly coming to an end, this token is primed for hyperbolic movement.

The Robots Farm Airdrop is completely community owned. Meaning that airdrop tokens are only distributed to people who make a (small) effort.

As you can see in the screenshot above, it is also possible to receive a Free Mint or mint pass from a crate. If you want to learn more about this, check out my How To Play guide down below.

Cheers, Notsofinicky 🍻

Free ways to play Quests on Robots Farm:
You can earn a few points a week with Zealy!
💰 Join my guild to get points and extra rewards!

Official Links to Robots Farm:
💻 Website: https://robots.farm/
📖 Docs: https://docs.robots.farm/
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/robotsfarm
🗨 Discord: https://discord.gg/K9a2j5x6



Notsofinicky | Crypto Investor 🎯

Read all about the latest crypto news, airdrops and finance in general 🚀I am passionate about fintech and most of the time I'm not so finicky.