10 Best Journal Apps for Therapy and Mental Health

Nouha BT
4 min readJan 24, 2023


Ready to improve your mood and mental health? Consider adding journaling to your routine. Not only is journaling a fun and creative outlet, but it has also been shown to have numerous positive benefits for mental health. So why wait? Start expressing yourself and watch your mood improve.

1- ALAN MINDJOURNAL(Android & Apple) — Take your journaling to the next level with this app. In addition to providing a place to record your thoughts and feelings, this app offers a personalized daily program and expert advice on improving your overall wellbeing.

2- CBT Thought Diary (Apple) — Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) made easy with the #1 free mood journal and thought record app.

3- Daylio (Android & Apple) — If you’re looking for a simple and convenient way to keep a private journal, Daylio is the perfect solution for you. With this app, you don’t have to worry about typing out lengthy entries — just select from a series of pre-written prompts or add your own, and you’re good to go! Daylio makes journaling quick and easy, so you can capture your thoughts and memories without any extra effort.

4- Day One Journal (Android & Apple) — Looking for a journaling app that’s both easy to use and packed with features? Look no further than Day One Journal! This app has redefined what it means to keep a personal diary, with its sleek and intuitive interface and the option to make unlimited text entries for free. And for even more flexibility, you can upgrade to the premium version and add unlimited photos, videos, and audio entries to your journal. Give Day One Journal a try and take your journaling to the next level.

5- Fabulous (Android & Apple) — Are you looking to create healthy habits and connect with others who share similar goals? Look no further than this app! In addition to providing tools and resources to help you achieve your goals, it also features a journaling feature that allows you to record your thoughts and reflect on your progress. Plus, you’ll be able to join a supportive community of people working towards similar objectives. Start improving your well-being today with this helpful app.

6- Gratitude Journal (Android & Apple) — Feeling overwhelmed or stressed? Gratitude is an app that can help you refocus on the positive and live with intention. By encouraging mindfulness and reflection, this tool can help you cultivate a more positive outlook and find joy in the present moment. Whether you’re looking to improve your mental health or simply want to cultivate a more grateful attitude, Gratitude is a great resource to have in your toolkit.

7- Jour (Apple) — Are you looking to improve your mental health and boost your confidence? Jour is an app that can help. With therapeutic techniques and tools, it has already helped 425,000+ people find greater happiness and well-being. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, stress, or simply want to feel more positive, Jour is a valuable resource to have at your fingertips.

8- MindDoc (Android & Apple) — Need a little extra support for your mental health journey? MindDoc is here to help. As your personalized mental health companion, this app checks in with you three times a day to ask questions that are tailored to you based on your responses. With MindDoc, you’ll have a caring and supportive guide to help you stay on track and make progress towards your goals.

9-Moodnotes (Apple) — Moodnotes is a must-have app for anyone looking to track their mood and improve their thinking habits. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive design, this mood tracker and journaling app makes it easy to capture your mood and reflect on your thoughts. Whether you’re struggling with mental health issues or simply want to become more self-aware, Moodnotes is a valuable resource that can help you make positive changes in your life.

10- Reflectly (Android & Apple) — If you’re looking for a journaling app that can help you structure your thoughts and reflect on your daily challenges, Reflectly is a great choice. Available for Android and Apple devices, this app uses artificial intelligence to guide you through the process of journaling and help you gain insights into your thoughts and behaviors. Whether you’re working through personal issues or simply want to develop a more mindful and introspective approach to life, Reflectly can be a valuable tool on your journey towards self-improvement.

Finding the right journaling app for your needs can take some trial and error, so don’t be afraid to try out a few different options until you find the perfect fit. Once you’ve found an app that works for you, it’s important to set aside time each day to journal and let your thoughts flow out of your head. Not only can this help you feel more grounded and in control of your thoughts, but it can also free up mental space and allow you to feel more at peace.



Nouha BT

As a writer, I have had the opportunity to explore a wide range of subjects, including psychology, history, and living abroad.