Introducing OctoMob

3 min readFeb 2, 2022


Welcoming the OctoMob to The Family. The Family grows together, works together, and most importantly eats together. Respects will always be paid, & the ones who came before us must never be forgotten.

There are negotiations being made that are going to answer all of your questions and solve all of your problems. That’s all I can tell you right now, Anon… When we make our move, you’re going to be my right-hand men. Individuals in this space are no Consigliari. If we are going to make it, we are going to make it together. That’s no reflection on any individual, it’s just the way it is. Besides, who’s a better Consigliari than The Family Itself? I’d like to welcome in a new way, a better way. A way where WAGMI is no longer a meme, but a reality. A simple path to generational wealth begins and ends with The Family.


The idea is to build upon The Family’s vision. To grow with one another, The OctoMob will be there through thick and thin. As we welcome in a new wave in DeFi, our custom NFTs will define us throughout the vast number of communities being built and give us the ability to utilize our platform to better each and every one of us. The relationships & network being built through transparency and respect is the way. We no longer have to do this alone. The Family will always be taken care of.

Who is The Family you ask?

Well, I can tell you the OctoMob Family is based on trust, care, friendship, and love. We are an extremely close Family that will make it together, rather than as one. We will always look to help each other through the good times & bad. No Family member will be left behind.

20 OG Octeez will become “Made Men” and The Family will continue to handpick members who practice what we preach already. 80 additional OG Octeez will be minted and The Family is excited to see who rises to the top.

Each OG OctoMob NFT will rebase twice over, each epoch. One of these rebases must be given/traded/sold to a trusted member to join the Family ranks, and also have the opportunity to move up the ranks through some very cool, cutting edge ideas that will be laid out in the private server.

CorleOhmie FattyBagz

We have already brought on the likes of some very well known Family members in the space. FattyBagz, DCF God, Smokey The Bera, Wartul, G Money, Dr. Monk, Headless, & Casper have joined as honoraries but also believe in the vision and we are already in partnership talks with many other projects & communities as well. We believe that social capital or your ability to build a network of authentic personal and professional relationships, not your financial capital, is the most important asset in your portfolio. We must all work together as one Family, because there is too much space out here to do this alone. I am excited to bring fresh new ideas into Defi & with the gamification we have laid out in our private server, I can’t wait to get started.

“Great men are not born great, they grow great . . .Together”

― The DonFather

