These History Books Made Me Uncomfortable (But I’m Glad I Read Them)

Buckle up for an emotional ride

Novel Nest
10 min readDec 18, 2023

No one knows what happened in the past.

But, we can try to piece together the incidents throughout history. This can be done through the testimony of the people who lived through those events, surviving manuscripts, news reports, and the trail left behind by physical elements.

The retelling of history sometimes leaves us with hope and wonder. Other times it leaves a hole in our hearts.

Today’s booklist is going to show you the grim side of history.

1. King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa by Adam Hochschild

These History Books Made Me Uncomfortable (But I’m Glad I Read Them)
Image: Amazon

Rubber, ivory, and slavery…

King Leopold II was King of Belgium From 1885 and 1908, he exploited Free Congo for its ivory and rubber.

People were enslaved and tortured and the country was bled dry of its wealth.

“Most striking about the traditional societies of the Congo was their remarkable artwork



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