Karma in Hell (fiction)

6 min readJul 22, 2017

The day that Bill died he discovered more than he ever wanted to know about religion and the afterlife. He learned the hard way that there was no purgatory or halfway utopia where souls wait to be judged before they are sent forth one way or the other.

There was no credit for what you have done right in life. No special place for those with holy faith who have been saved as Bill was while in prison. The only thing waiting for you was a fiery pit of reckoning for your sinful deeds and a punishment that started immediately.

Bill’s penalization seemed more extreme than some of the rest, but perhaps that was because they ruled his crime on earth so severe that he had to be locked away in an eight by ten prison cell for the remainder of his life. He did not want to hurt the children, and in fact believed that he was showing them the love and affection that he himself desired. He truly felt that he had paid his price on earth by living in solitary confinement for two decades, and finding religion during that time.

He thought that God would look upon him with forgiveness, as the ugly, fat, disgusting woman-preacher told him in their weekly meetings. She filled him with false positivism and dreams that all people would be forgiven if only they submitted to his holiness and asked for mercy. Bill did. He spent nearly five years praying and studying the bible, and in the fifteen months since the Supreme Court turned down his last appeal he prayed for more than half of the day, every day.

It did not work.

Prior to his arrival at this wretched place, a calm peace had come over him. He knew there were only two more days to go before he would eat the magnificent feast that was to be his last meal before being humanely euthanized. His dreams of the future included endless landscapes of nature, and wonderfully beautiful boys running about carefree in a place not repressive to his natural urges.

Instead, his demise came at the hand of the very men that were assigned to protect him. Bill woke in the middle of the night to the smell of lighter fluid and the cold, cool feeling it left on his skin. Suddenly a light appeared, traveling toward him and leaving an arch-shape trail in its wake. Not until the moment of impact did he realize it was a flame. He was about to burn to death.

No one acknowledged his passing until the next morning, much too late for intervention.

Now Bill was in a different prison, surrounded by torturous sounds and hideous demon creatures that never spoke. The scene that lay before him was not what he expected for Hell, as if a human would ever know what to expect.

This Hell was nothing but a sea of fire and lava that was close enough to splatter on you, but never enough to burn you completely because that would mercifully take away the misery. The sounds and scenes of personal despair around him was a bonus: not part of his punishment, but torturing him psychologically.

The lava sea around him was littered with small individual areas, each holding another sinner that was being tormented in whatever manner inflicted the most suffering. There was a woman who kept screaming that she was sorry for cheating on her husband, while being clawed at by a mass of meowing and hissing cats. On another side was a man who received a constant stream of wailing naked women to his section, each of them equipped with her own device used to inflict pain. Bill assumed that this neighbor of his was a murderer because all of the women looked scarred, sometimes with fatal wound marks. Unlike the adulteress, this man could not speak. It appeared that his tongue was cut out.

The sound of agonizing souls, barking and hissing animals, and women screaming was just the backdrop for Bill’s hell. The lava made him feel as if his skin was continuously burning, and the stench could only be described as the smell of death. His atonement was no less devastating than that of those around him.

Although his victims were still living, their souls were not.

The spirit of each sufferer crucified him in ways that would surely kill a human on earth. They barraged him with attacks, these children that claimed he murdered their souls. They scratched and gored him, more than one-hundred tiny hands ripping the flesh from his bones, day after day.

Occasionally he would get a reprieve from the sights that surrounded him when the sullen face of a child would appear close to him, holding a stick to gouge out the molesters’ eyes. Bill believed that this was the soul of Gordon Scott, but could not be sure. His three decades as a counselor for the Yancy Valley Youth Center left more than a hundred violated boys, but only one who Bill had repeatedly threatened to cut the eyes out of if he told.

This boy performed the enucleation every day of his religious incarceration, proving to be the only time he could think clearly and recall how many days he had been there. It seemed that once you were here, you rarely left, and Bill became resolved to the belief that he would spend an eternity in this place.

Bill realized that the day was three-hundred and sixty-five, he had spent exactly one year in this inferno of pain and torment. Just then a demon came toward him, announcing, “Judicium Dei, it is the will of your Lord that you now go back.”

With the finality of his words came the mighty strike of a scepter that inflicted pain unlike anything Bill had ever felt. The world around him went dark for a moment, before suddenly becoming a bright intense light. Once again Bill was overcome with emotions, and this time he knew that his punishment was over.

These were the bright lights attributed to Heaven’s gate, and he was now worthy to gain entrance!

After an entire year paying his penance in this secondary hell and he would finally, finally be saved. He opened his mouth to rejoice but all that came out was the half-gurgle cry of a newborn infant.

Bill Kapp had just been reincarnated into a life that was brand-new. He would now be allowed to live in a world, for a brief time, seemingly the second chance he had long hoped for. Only time would reveal that this was just one more price for him to pay. A special punishment made just for those who dared breach the innocence of God’s children.

For his old repulsive soul was placed into the form of a newborn baby girl, but this girl was not destined to grow up and live a normal life.

This girl was the product of a sex slavery ring that bred children for profit, much like a puppy mill. Born to a strung-out prostitute, this child would never know love. There would be no protection for her and she would be violated, traded, and abused in every way known.

The purpose of her existence was for the sole satisfaction of other sexual deviants, like Bill himself once was. The destiny of her short life had already been foretold. She was to die a grisly death at the tender age of twelve, at the hand of a sadomasochistic rapist.

Then, in accordance to the judgment of our Lord, the soul of Bill Kapp shall be returned to Hell, where the unending ring of his Karma will continue to flow until the end of mankind.




I rant. I rave. I write… Underlined words are links.