Hidee - A unique concept in private messaging!

Nuova Labs
2 min readNov 29, 2015


Whenever we hear the terms data-security or encryption, what immediately comes in our minds is complicated algorithms, high-end technology and the likes. This can be quite repulsive to the casual user. We believe that this should never be the case and with Hidee our efforts were directed to make secure private messaging fun and welcoming.

Your friendly secret messenger ;)

Hidee is a private messaging app with a difference. It very cleverly conceals your private messages behind emojis. Yes, you heard it right — emojis!

Before you dismiss this as frivolous, the messages are encrypted with strong AES-256 encryption with unique keys generated for each message. And, no messages store on our servers, encrypted or otherwise.

So, true to its objectives Hidee is fun and engaging to use and backed by reliable encryption to protect your private messages. Can’t have a better combination.

There is yet another important aspect of Hidee which makes it all the more unique (if it wasn’t already). It is built on top of Facebook Messenger platform and leverages the platform to provide a seamless experience. For those who are not aware, Facebook had launched its Messenger platform this March which allowed 3rd party apps to share content and provide custom interaction with the apps right from Messenger. We made use of this to make the decryption of the private message a one click process. Pretty neat!

It also has passcode protection and Touch ID for iOS and a number of emoji themes just to add to the fun.

We are constantly working to improve Hidee and add awesome new features to this. Keep watching this space for more updates.

Do give it a try and let us know what you think about it. Reach us at contact [at] nuovalabs.com.

App Store link Play Store link

UPDATE: We recently launched a major update to the app and now you can send private photos as well along with messages. Currently only for iOS. Android update coming soon. Check more details in our post.



Nuova Labs

We at Nuova Labs are working hard to build tools and services that help you protect your privacy without sacrificing convenience.