Why we created Secure Text Keyboard ?

Nuova Labs
2 min readNov 29, 2015


Sometimes you really need to make sure that your messages stay private. Whether it’s in your professional or personal life, or whether it’s a text message or email, there are times when you need your words to be completely private and secure.

We took up this problem and researched apps which are trying to solve a similar problem. We found that they are very inconvenient to use. The steps involved in encrypting a single messages were too much . Taking example of one of the app, the steps involved for encrypting a message are :

  1. Write your message in the app.
  2. Set the encryption key and encrypt the message.
  3. Now, Copy the encrypted message.
  4. Paste it to the messenger app (iMessage, FB Messenger, WhatsApp) from which you want to send it.

Now to decrypt the messages you have to do all this 4 steps in reverse. Well , this is a very tiring process. We at Nuova Labs believes in building tools and services that help you protect your privacy without sacrificing convenience. So we came up with a unique solution which not only make it convenient to send private messages but also maintains the same levels of security. With Secure Text Keyboard, to encrypt a message, you just have to type your message using Secure Text Keyboard and press encrypt button. For Decryption , you just have to copy the encrypted text.

Secure Text Keyboard in Facebook Messenger.

Why not a separate messenger app instead of a Keyboard ?

The same question striked us, we thought about it and found that creating a keyboard is the way to go. As there are already a lot of popular, efficient and feature rich messengers out there in the market, there was no point of making another and competing with them. One of the differentiating feature being a Keyboard is that you can still use the popular messengers (Whats App, FB Messenger , etc.) that you are using for your daily communications. In our opinion switching to a keyboard is much much easier then convincing your friends to use a new chat service.



Nuova Labs

We at Nuova Labs are working hard to build tools and services that help you protect your privacy without sacrificing convenience.