2019, Up for the challenge!

3 min readJan 3, 2019


2019, Up for the challenge!

For many of us, the New Year is a moment to reflect on the past and prepare for the year ahead.

As I reflect upon 2018, I am filled with gratitude to be a part of this community. I’m particularly thankful for @Ludom , one of our top investors and board members; for @Yassin IndéNodes and @sφldat , among our very first token holders; and for @metaphilibert and his indispensable guidance.

We’ve had the pleasure of finding genuine, warm, giving people in the KOMODO community and we hope that our contribution to the community will also be meaningful as we strive to give back.

Shifting now to thoughts on what lies ahead, I’d like to share a summary of my economic prospective for 2019 (ideas that I plan to develop further on our Discord channel).

2019 & 2020: Years of Opportunity

What I envision happening in 2019 (and something my team members have discussed at length) is a dynamic blend of difficulty and opportunity. First, a global financial crisis hangs on the horizon and may amount to a currency crisis. While this sounds grim, I see it as a chance for our community (and for people in general) to pull together and find better ways to work and interact.

Looking at what appears to be an impending global financial crisis, the picture does look a bit grim at first. As economic growth slows and profits slump, we may see mounting debt pressure rendering private institutions (especially banks) unable to honor their debts and fulfill their engagements — likely resulting in default.

In response to defaults, defiant economic actors are likely to significantly raise risk premiums, triggering cost and volume of debts (and proliferating even more defaults).

In terms of mitigation, governments and leaders are both ill-equipped and stunted by a poor track record. Many have already used and abused the buy-out card, and in many cases they lack the resources, credibility and method to pass it along to taxpayers — who are still digesting the last bill.

Instead, we will see an increase in protectionist/populist political measures motivated by short term views. The result will trigger the deflagration of traditional monetary spaces.

But here’s the silver lining: negative downturns in the global markets may spur a concurrent upswing in the crypto community. Coin prices may surge and relevant crypto asset projects will attract even more people searching for solutions. This could lead to an increase in demand for crypto-related jobs and with it, incentives to contribute and develop the system.

These dynamic shifts can be a positive game changer. It’s times like this — when the cards get redistributed — that change be transmuted into opportunity with widespread benefits.

Based on this forecast and the outcome of many variables, I stake my career and my family’s future — a sentiment that many of us working in the crypto community share. Looking to the future with informed optimism is how we can work to land on the right side of the fence. This is why it is critical that we develop a viable, alternative ecosystem. A major step in that direction is the creation of KSB, a stable coin by design built on a KOMODO asset chain. After numerous exchanges with different protocol leaders, we feel evermore confident about putting our time and effort into to the KOMODO ecosystem, reaching out to new users and developing our services on the Komodo platform.

This is what motives me every day, and I hope to be able to call KOMODO home and to continue collaborating with the people in this community.

I hope to chat and see you around on Discord and elsewhere.

Best wishes to each of you and yours. Let’s make this a great year, together.





Buil-In :

https://www.ft.com/content/8ad2ed98-d0a0-11e5-986a-62c79fcbcead …

https://www.bloomberg.com/quicktake/bail-in …

Come discuss with us on our Discord or on the Komodo Discord channel #opay #komodo #blockchain # stablecoin

