Predictive Analytics for Finding Future Trends: 7 Easy Steps

ODSC - Open Data Science
5 min readFeb 5, 2021

Just like how software comes with updated versions in app stores following new trends, businesses need to come up with new updates to sustain a long time in the market. Therefore, predictive analytics is highly essential for any business. For providing what customers are looking forward to having in the best possible way. Businesses can grow better, make more profits, and establish themselves as a brand this way.

Predictive analytics uses historical data and current data to make a future prediction. Therefore, it relies on long-term goals, new trends, and opportunities. And these can help businesses to achieve a whole new level in the market.


Using statistical modeling and advanced ML techniques, data scientists and analysts generate full future predictions from the past data. Dedicated tools & data models help to extract meaningful insights from data repositories at higher precision. Through predictive analytics, data scientists can easily forecast the demand in the market and reduce machine downtime. And provide them with the best user experience by avoiding customer churns.

One of the best advantages of predictive analytics is to forecast future events. Analyze risks and opportunities and automate the decision-making process.

The following are the seven easy steps on how to make predictive analytics more precise. Let us explore them one by one to discover future trends and maximize business revenue.

Partnering with Key-Stakeholders

Partnering with key stakeholders can help you learn everything you need to know about them inside and outside of the organization. The key-stakeholders are business managers, product managers, marketing managers. Data scientists, consultants, developers, reviewers, and auditors.

With these people’s guidance, you can track each process. Create various case studies and possibilities and move your project forward towards success.

Learning from Predictive Use Cases

There is no doubt that predictive analytics is extremely valuable, but also that it is complicated. Therefore, finding an old one is crucial to step forward in predictive analytics. And to understand the different processes and how it works. You get ideas when you follow some best use cases.

Take those use cases that your business considers as solving the problems. At least you can try the best or top three. Make a simple roadmap, define your priorities, and arrange them in priority order. And you can easily focus on the top ones that are more realistic to achieve in your time frame.

And if you don’t have any use cases already. By using the PADS framework and the most common business challenges, you can construct a predictive analytics framework.

Identifying and Collecting Data You Need to Analyze

As predictive analytics rely solely on data, data collection plays a crucial role in the success and failure of predictive analytics. Although information comes from multiple sources, it is imperative to maintain a constant data flow.

Choosing the right set of data is crucial for any business. But the real problem is either they are not available timely, or they lack in quality. Using advanced ML code like Regression techniques, KNN classifier, and others, you easily clean data for common data problems. With most of the data already cleaned, you can start taking the next steps.

Building a Right and Efficient Team of Beta Testers

Having the right set of people with top-notch skills in your team is highly essential to find out meaningful insights in the least time. Beta testers are next to end-users who use it to give reviews before it is out for the customers. Beta testers will help you find the defects. Business success requires the right combination of people with wide-ranging experience.

You can take advantage of their diverse experience to get many feedbacks from every angle. This way, your analysis has very little chance of going wrong.

Create a Prototype of Your Concepts and Fast Validation

Your analysis is your prototype, but without validation, it has no meaning. Once the beta testers give a green signal, that means your prototype is ready. Make sure it goes through another round of verification. Again, it should match business goals and objectives and what you’re about to analyze.

Conduct group meetings, discuss the whole ideas with the higher authorities and match with each step in the road map. And make sure it clears all the process with proper validation.

Implementing Predictive Analytics into Data Models

Once the validation is over, the next step is implementing predictive analytics into different data models. You can learn from the existing data models and other decision-making steps. And you have clear cut ideas on how to process them without jumping from one another.

Your key objectives should be to make easy and right predictions that should fulfill all demands of end-users.

When you have already developed a predictive model, and it works the best. The downside of it is, it is valid for a limited time only. While the external conditions remain the same, internal upgrading is a must to sustain for a longer period. The best way to do it is by testing those data models at regular intervals with new datasets. And to make sure the models still work the best for new data models too.

It is highly essential for those models which have more focus on marketing campaigns as they keep on changing. Checking population stability and characteristics stability in a regular frequency of monthly, quarterly, and yearly is the best to keep the models up to date.

End Points

There are always high risks in fulfilling the massive gaps. And transitions between past and present data for predicting future trends. In an extremely competitive market, finding the right insights is very much essential to stay ahead in the competition.

Therefore, following these seven right steps is crucial. Most of the time, very experienced people do it wrongly. But when you follow these seven steps, there are lesser chances that your prediction analysis will be wrong.

As businesses are always looking for new opportunities to expand. And always ready to take on when they find it with complete research. Businesses need the right data and experienced data scientists and machine learning engineers to maximize business ROI by doing proper research.

Original post here.

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