The Second Round of ODSC Europe 2020 Speakers

ODSC - Open Data Science
5 min readJun 22, 2020

Planning for the ODSC Europe 2020 Virtual Conference is well underway and we’re excited to announce the next group of expert speakers who will be sharing their knowledge and expertise with you this September 17–19.

By registering now for 60% off ticket prices, you’ll be all set to attend an event that attracts some of the leading data scientists in Europe to speak, such as with the names below. There’s something for everyone, ranging from introduction to machine learning talks for the aspiring data scientists, to a track devoted to novel research designed for the seasoned expert.

During the conference, speakers will be leading hands-on training sessions, workshops, and talks on a diverse range of topics, including NLP | machine learning | quant finance | deep learning│data visualization│data science for good│image classification│transfer learning│recommendation systems│and much, much more.

Below are just a few of the acclaimed speakers and instructors who will be attending:

Dr. Natasha Latysheva: Machine Learning Research Engineer | Welocalize

Dr. Natasha Latysheva is a machine learning engineer in the NLP group at Welocalize. Previously she worked with a video game studio, where she used NLP, sentiment analysis, word embeddings, and topic extraction on chat and forum text data. Her interests include sequence modeling, NLP, deep learning, computational and molecular biology, language, and video games.

Her talk, “Sequence Modelling with Deep Learning,” will provide an overview of popular sequence-based problems, impart an intuition for how the most commonly-used sequence models work under the hood, and show that quite similar architectures are used to solve sequence-based problems across many domains.

Dr. Colin Gillespie: Senior Lecturer | Newcastle University

With more than 15 years of experience at Newcastle University, Colin Gillespie is a seasoned lecturer on the subjects of statistics and R. He is also the co-founder of Jumping Rivers, a data science & machine learning consultancy, and the author of several R packages and the book, Efficient R Programming. His current research is focused on systems biology and statistical bioinformatics.

In Colin’s session, “R for Python Programmers,” you’ll learn some fundamentals of R as to how it may be similar to Python. Some highlights include learning how to install and load R packages, import and export data into R, compare R and Python, and more.

Sonja Tilly: PhD candidate & Researcher | UCL & Quoniam Asset Management

Before becoming a PhD candidate and researcher at UCL, Sonja Tilly spent over a decade working in asset management, where she used media sentiment to aid in the development of trading strategies. In her research, she strives to use NLP and Big Data to more fully capture the narrative and emotions in news media to “improve short-term forecasts for economic variables”.

Sonja’s talk, “Forecasting the Economy with Fifty Shades of Emotions,” introduces a multi-step methodology for filtering and aggregating emotions from GDELT’s GKG.

Diego Galar, PhD: Professor of Condition Monitoring | Luleå University of Technology

Author of several hundred conference and journal papers, technical reports, and books in the maintenance field, Dr. Diego Galar is a Full Professor of Condition Monitoring in the Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering at LTU, Luleå University of Technology. Dr. Galar also is a member of numerous scientific committees and editorial boards, chairs international journals and conferences, and participates in international and national committees for standardization and R&D of reliability and maintenance. He has also helped many visiting Professor positions, including at University of Valencia and NIU, University of Maryland, Chongqing University, and the University of Sunderland.

Diego’s talk, “Industrial Artificial Intelligence — The Driving Force,” will show how the growth of industrial artificial intelligence is reimagining the industries in many dimensions. Companies are learning how to use their data to not only analyze the past but predict the future as well.

Joanneke Meijer: Data Science Manager | Amsterdam Data Collective

A Manager at Amsterdam Data Collective, Joanneke Meijer is passionate about “turning data into actionable insights”. As the initiator of the sustainable benchmark, she combined this passion with her commitment to sustainability to build a data source of clothing brands and their sustainability ranking. Meijer is also an experienced data science consultant, who has helped clients with forecasting, pricing, operational research, and text mining.

Joanneke’s talk, “Sustainable Retail Through Open Source, Scraping and NLP,” will focus on her team’s unique approach to setting up open-source NLP projects, including the technical challenges and solutions and how NLP can be applied to retail.

Brendan Tierney: Architect | Oralytics

Brendan Tierney, Oracle GroundBreaker Ambassador, and Oracle ACE Director, is an independent consultant (Oralytics) and lectures on data science, databases, and Big Data at the Technological University Dublin. He has over 27+ years of experience working in the areas of data mining, data science, machine learning, big data, and data warehousing. Tierney has published five books.

Brendan’s talk, “Ethical Issues for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence,” will examine some of the main concepts involved in Data Ethics and will use a number of different case studies to illustrate the different challenges being encountered and how these can be addressed considering various legal aspects.

Laura Mitchell: Lead Data Scientist | MagicLab

Laura Mitchell, Lead Data Scientist at MagicLab, has over 10 years of experience in data science and tech. Over the course of her career, Mitchell’s work has focused on projects that used computer vision, recommender systems, and natural language processing. She is also one of the authors of Deep Learning with PyTorch 1.x.

Laura’s talk, “Image Detection as a Service: How we Use APIs and Deep Learning to Support our Products,” will explain how to create an online image classifier by deploying deep learning models with the use of Flask and Docker, among other insights.

This list comprises only a few of the exceptional speakers who will be presenting at the ODSC Europe 2020 Virtual Conference. Check out our web page for frequent updates on speakers and topics. We’re still accepting applications for ODSC Europe speakers and content committee members — learn more here about how you can get involved.



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