How to mitigate Fleet Drivers’ risks and Improve Safety.

2 min readNov 1, 2017


When operating a business fleet, driver safety is high on the agenda. Driving holds a number of risks and when up to 40 per cent of road accidents in the EU have been found to be work-related, it is imperative that fleet operators manage and mitigate potential dangers.

Driving is one of the most dangerous things an employee does and fleet managers have an important part to play in improving driver safety. Tyre condition is one of the most common causes of road accidents in the UK. Robert Pieczka, managing director of FuelGenie, said “Poorly maintained tyres can have a significant effect on vehicle performance and fuel consumption, so we would recommend that businesses regularly check tread depth and tyre pressure to stay safe.” Research carried out by TyreSafe highlighted that tyre pressure is also an issue when it comes to fuel consumption, with 3% more fuel used when pressure is 6 psi below recommended inflation. Tyre checks is an effective and simple way to spot potentially hazardous issues that can reduce safety risks for your staff and your fleet.

Good tyre conditions isn’t the only way to mitigate driving risks. Fleet managers have been grappling with the best way to identify high-risk drivers and subsequently tackle safety risks. Employing driver monitoring tools can help employees to drive more efficiently, enabling to reduce the risk for both themselves and others out on the road while leading to potential cost savings.

It’s easier said than done to keep track of your two most important business assets: your people and your vehicles. With Onlicar’s fleet management solutions, you’ll know how your drivers are performing, where your trucks are and if your fleet is safe — at all times and with ease. Accident reduction with Onlicar’s management system can be as high as 70%. If you’re a fleet manager, don’t gamble with your drivers and fleet’s safety and make sure you’re doing all you can to mitigate safety risks.




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