eosONO Voting Guide and Fellow Block Producer Recommendations

5 min readJun 13, 2018


We are a over halfway to the minimum 15% of votes to activate the EOS mainnet, so it goes without saying that if you have not voted yet, it’s time to do so.

compliments of EOS Authority

If you have not voted yet, and are looking for a safe and user-friendly voting tool, we recommend you use Greymass for several reasons.

We have made an easy Greymass voting tutorial for you and it describes the reasons we trust the devs. Another reason we recommend using Greymass is that is available in English, Chinese, Korean, French, Japanese and other languages are being added soon.

Our Greymass voting tutorial:

First of all, thank you to all who have voted for us and for those who still are unfamiliar with our Block Producer candidacy, we’d like to provide you with the core reasons we believe we will add massive value to the EOS community and expansion of the EOS ecosystem. Read our full Block Producer candidacy here.


We have the technical expertise, infrastructure and resources to meet the expanding needs of the EOS ecosystem. As the network grows and infrastructure demands require, we have already secured a server in Tokyo for further geographical diversification. Our technical framework expansion details are here.

We are an experienced developer team with 2 previous very successful software projects under our belt:

ERA: a social network app with 10 million users
CryptoDogs: blockchain-based CryptoKitties-style dapp

Users are our first priority. We currently have 280,000 registered users and we are growing very rapidly. As far as we know, we have the largest user base of any dApp that is being built on EOS.


Our system is based on equality, freedom and decentralization, and we have created an innovative hybrid approach, which allows community members to vote on the selection of community leaders called Super Partners. We believe this system is optimal for maintaining the health and freedom of people, in EOS and ONO, as well as for minimizing the abuse of any one person’s power. Please see this chapter of our White Paper for more details about our social ecosystem and how it is designed for optimal transparency, decentralization and freedom.

With regards to Block rewards, ONO will put all of this towards growing the EOS dApp dev and social communities. ONO will open source all block reward data to the public so that anyone may audit our transactions and verify information. You can learn more about our plans for Block rewards here, from our founder and CEO, Ke Xu:

Like most traditional tech startups, we are funded by Venture Capital which enables us to return a lot more value to the EOS ecosystem. Learn more about our investment partners.

In a Telegram channel yesterday, CTO of block.one Daniel Larimar suggested the Block Producer candidates provide a write up on their Top 30 Vote Recommendations to the token holder community. Dan said that we as Block Producer Candidates are in the best position to evaluate each other.

Here are our EOS Block Producer recommendations based on a variety of criteria: diversity, geographical location, EOS community initiatives, core philosophy & principles and ability to execute.

There are many more exceptional BPs not on this list, but these are the ones we recommend. Beside each BP is a brief description. Many EOS community members were consulted to get balanced knowledge criteria, as well as the Cryptoverse creator, an independent video creator and content producer.

Bitfinex bitfinexeos1 It’s Bitfinex.
EOS Nationeosnationftw They are everywhere and well-developed, mission focused.

EOSphere eosphereiobp Cooperation, independence and transparency.
GenerEOSaus1genereos No society would be whole without charity.

EOS Asiaeosasia11111 “We will bring world-class technical expertise and international representation”
EOSLaoMaoeoslaomaocom Solid entrepreneurship in China
ONOeosonoeosono free, decentralized social network that rewards users with ONOTs, 280,000+ users and growing fast.

EOS Nairobi eosnairobike “Building solutions for Africa using the EOS Blockchain”

Crypto Lions cryptolions1 Team put in blood, sweat and tears to build early EOS ecosystem
EOS Authorityeosauthority Prevented a $10 million dollar hack.
EOS42eos42freedom Early EOS pioneer
eos sw/eden eosswedenorg Creating blocks with green energy, very cool.
eosVibeseosvibesbloc Building a jobs dApp
LiquidEOS eosliquideos Bancor. Need I say more?
EOSMetaleosmetaliobp ‘bare metal’ physical server design in Iceland and Panama
shEOSsheos21sheos http://sheos.org/ Jessie Houlgrave is a big force in the blockchain art world.
Tokenika tokenika4eos Creators of EOSFactory, extensive DPOS expertise @noisy

South America
EOS Argentina argentinaeos “We are EOS Argentina”
EOS Venezuelaeosvenezuela Rebuilding countries, community-driven

North America
Aloha EOSalohaeosprod Bridging North America to all points West
Blockgenic blockgenicbp Global Reach
Blocksmithblocksmithio Forging the Future
EOS Caféeoscafeblock A unique approach to build cafes all over the world.
EOS Canadaeoscanadacom Diplomatic DNA, instrumental in security of EOS launch
EOSDAC- eosdacserver Community-driven, trusted Steem witnesses.

EOS Detroit eosiodetroit Creative, diverse thinkers and builders.

EOS Nationeosnationftw Extremely outgoing, driven, committed.
EOS New Yorkeosnewyorkio Consistent communication & visibility at its core.
EOS Tribeeostribeprod Community-driven initiatives at core
Greymass teamgreymass Trusted top Steem devs built this user-friendly multi-language EOS voting tool, which we endorse after using it.

As a final word, EOS Tribe has created an EOS Discord channel where all the EOS people can come together and collaborate in a more cohesive way. Telegram has a way of dividing us, whereas Discord has more uniting features.

Channels have been created in this EOS discord channel for BPs and dApps, so if you’re a BP or dApp, come in and add to the conversation: https://discordapp.com/invite/EeB2k2

Feel free to reach out to us in the English ONO Telegram channels for any questions you might have: https://t.me/ONOUS




ONO is a free, decentralized social network based on EOS.IO for the next generation. Join ONO: https://www.ono.chat/en/ #yourdata