ONO Weekly Report: May 21–25

3 min readMay 26, 2018


art credit @fabiyamada

Hello Everyone,

As of May 25th, the ONO dApp beta now has reached 245,818 registered users and continues to grow quickly. The ONO community continues to post content, test features, and find bugs for the ONO technical team to resolve. This role has been critical towards the success of the ONO platform and we want to show our upmost thanks to all the volunteers for their contributions. If you are interested in signing up to become part of the beta, kindly send us an email to service@ono.chat and a brief introduction about yourself.

ONO Technical Development Update

The website has been translated into Korean and now includes a language option.

On May 24th, the beta version of ONO on IOS and Android was downloaded from the official website. The main functions of this version are: displays of long text in the client, algorithm identification of the long text, the addition of 15 content blocks, label selection of content in the publications or story mode, and the increase of the mechanism of anti-SPAM in the operation of the content.

The following functions are expected to be formally launched on May 31st:
a. Complete R&D on client-side support for long text editing and draft preservation.
b. Outbound sharing functions for (WeChat friends, friends circle, QQ friends, QQ space), so that users can share stories or long text.
c. Support the release of the content, editing, modifications, and recording the function.
d. Invite ONOT content award system through invitations.

The following BUGS that have been tracked and fixed this week include:
a. [Android] the repair point list is not fully loaded;
b. [Android] repaired the chat message prompting error;
c. [IOS] repair user set up birthday and address information, cannot be successfully displayed on the user’s home page.
d. [IOS] after repairing user profile, users need to leave from their homepage to reenter.
e. [IOS] repair users who have completed the real name authentication on the Android client, log on to the IOS client, and show the real name authentication on the IOS side.
f. [server] repair click on the list of comments on the head, jump confusion;
g. [server] repair and modify post authority is private, subscription module is still displayed.

ONO Community Development

As of May 25, 2018, the ONO Beta dApp community now consists of 245,818 key community users and will be closed once we reach a total of 300,000 users. This is to ensure a solid foundation and continue the strategic development of the ONO application and features.Check out the awesome questions asked by individuals and ONO CEO Xu Ke and other team members’ answers from our Reddit AMA yesterday!

ONO Community Events

On May 25th, Xu was asked to join Chosun Ilbo, one of the three major media companies from South Korea to record a summit dialogue between young entrepreneurs in China and South Korea.

This Saturday, May 26th, 2018, ONO CEO Xu Ke will participate in the event organized by EOSeoul and speak about ONO’s candidacy for the EOS Block Producer role. We hope to not only educate Korean blockchain enthusiasts bout what ONO is about, but also communicate and represent the EOS blockchain alongside the other 18 EOS Block Producer candidates around the world.

The first ONO Super Partner Roundtable Conference will be held at the Double Tree Hilton in Beijing and will feature interviews and discussions with 14 ONO Super Partners who have been building the ONO community from all around the world.

In addition to discussing ONO’s operating mechanism and Super Partner responsibilities, ONO’s development team and Super Partners will also work together and provide updates on the growth of the ONO community and everything that has happened in the past two months.

Connect With ONO:

Official website: https://www.ono.chat
Telegram English




ONO is a free, decentralized social network based on EOS.IO for the next generation. Join ONO: https://www.ono.chat/en/ #yourdata