MBA Statement of Intent Doesn’t Have to Be Hard. Read These 8 Tips

MBA Statement Of Purpose
3 min readNov 7, 2016


The Beginning — Things to Consider When Initiating Your MBA Statement of Intent

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You have completed your undergraduate degree and have decided to keep studying and go for your MBA. Upon applying, you need to write an MBA Statement of Intent. You might not know where to begin. Well here are 8 helpful tips that will have each school you have applied to accepting you in their program. Each tip is a piece of advice from an expert.

The 8 Tips That Would Boast Your Results With the MBA Statement of Intent

  1. Read an example. If you can diagram it so you can use a similar technique with yours. See what is important from what is not important and go from there. Make sure it is your style of writing otherwise it is plagiarism. It is only a reference.
  2. Begin your letter of intent about what you know about the university and its MBA program. Is it top in the state? Percentage of students working after graduation. They need to see that you understand the school and its history.
  3. Show off your strengths. If your strength is in writing then this is perfect for you. If you graduated with honours and belonged to numerous societies and fraternity or sorority, be sure to add that as well. This is supposed to show what makes you different from other applications and why they should choose you over them.
  4. Tell them how they can help you. Tell them what you want to improve on. Perhaps additional economics courses or marketing classes. Maybe even a special internship somewhere. This is what the school is here for.
  5. After you graduate, what are your goals? Do you want to run your own business or perhaps you want to be a project manager. Put this down so they know how to help you reach your full potential.
  6. If you do not think your grades are up to par, explain to them why and what you can do to improve them. Perhaps you were working full time and attending school full time. They will take this into consideration and think what a strong individual this would be for our program. It is all in how you lay it out to them.
  7. Make sure your letter of intent can be sent to multiple schools. If you send your University of Pennsylvania letter of intent to Columbia, this may not turn out as planned. Then again they could be forgiving, but I would not recommend taking the risk.
  8. Proofread! Yes it sounds silly, but it is not done enough. I had three different people proofread my letter of intent for grad school and each person had different changes for me to make. Listen to people and proofread.

Conclusion — the Summary

Follow these 8 tips and our MBA letter of intent will stand out from the crowd. Learn the best sample MBA statement of purpose, be honest and show off your skills as well. You do not need to have graduated Summa Cum Laude to be accepted to your dream MBA program, just write like you did.

Trust professionals and ensure the ultimate results of your MBA Statement of intent!

