Introducing the OGY Dashboard

ORIGYN Foundation
4 min readOct 2, 2023


A guide that explains how the OGY dashboard provides transparency and visibility into tokenomics, governance and more


We are excited to announce the launch of the OGY dashboard, which you can find at Our prime objective is to present real-time and accurate data that can empower our community, developers, investors, and stakeholders by providing them with insights into the ongoing developments, transaction activities, and the overall health of the ORIGYN ecosystem. Transparency is not just a feature; it is an imperative element that drives our platform and ecosystem.


Our dashboard is designed to allows users to easily enter and navigate through a plethora of valuable data about the OGY Token. At a glance, users can view the most important metrics such as the total OGY supply and the amount of OGY burned, key to our ambition to implement a deflationary model for OGY Tokenomics 3.0. (you can learn more here The interface is intuitive, ensuring that user regardless of background can seamlessly access and interpret the data presented.


At the core of our mission is the provision of a fully transparent view into the workings of the ORIGYN ecosystem. Users can readily access information on the holdings of the ORIGYN Foundation, including details on how much OGY is in the Foundation’s reserve or what is the amount of OGY locked in governance . This level of transparency is pivotal in building trust and fostering a strong relationship between the foundation and the broader OGY ecosystem.

In addition, you can use the explorer functionality of the dashboard to search and filter by individual principalIDs, accountIDs and transaction hashes


Governance is a cornerstone of any decentralized project, and our dashboard is designed to offer comprehensive insights into this domain. Users are provided with a detailed overview of participation rates in governance, including the amount of OGY locked and voting participations, along with the number of proposals made and more. This feature ensures a democratic and transparent decision-making process, reinforcing community engagement.

You can find additional information on individual active and past proposals, descriptions and the voting history.


For those interested in staking, our dashboard offers an exhaustive overview of the staking landscape. Users can view the reward rate for staked OGY and get a real-time perspective on the amount of OGY in the ORIGYN Revenue Account (ORA) dedicated to providing rewards from the existing supply of OGY (rather than minting new OGY tokens). This feature enhances user experience by offering insights that can inform staking decisions and strategies.


Understanding the movement of OGY is crucial for assessing the traction of our platform. Our dashboard provides a real-time view of OGY movements in the ORIGYN Treasury Account (OTA), which holds revenue generated by the ORIGYN Protocol through various revenue streams like minting/creation fees. This insight is invaluable for gauging the success and momentum of ORIGYN


Our OGY dashboard is more than just a tool; it’s a commitment to transparency, simplicity, and innovation. We are excited about the recent launches and announcements. We also understand that there is a lot more work ahead of us and we are dedicated to focus on building to meet the evolving needs of our community and to fullfil the mission we have set forth. Explore the dashboard, immerse yourself in the insights, and be a part of our journey towards a transparent and equitable decentralzied future with ORIGYN.

