Welcome to the PerpetualOS

ORIGYN Foundation
2 min readOct 5, 2022

ORIGYN Foundation is proud to announce the release of the perpetualOS white paper. This paper is the brainchild of our CTO, Austin Fatheree (@afat on Twitter), and the tireless collaboration of the leaders at ORIGYN.


The perpetualOS is a new operating system built by ORIGYN with digital experiences at its core. While powerful enough to meet the needs of enterprise-level brands that are looking for a secure Web3 on-ramp for their products (stay tuned for more partnership announcements in the coming months), this new standard keeps the experience of individual users in mind, helping them navigate a world where unique digital assets meet real-world objects and experiences.

Current NFT standards are sufficient for showing off digital art pieces, but we’ve already seemingly hit a cap on the appetite (and market) for such limited use cases. There is an opportunity to do more with these smart assets, built on a blockchain that can offer better utility, protection, storage and much more.

The perpetualOS white paper outlines:

  • Why a new standard is necessary
  • The features and capabilities of these new NFTs
  • Why we need an operating system to manage our digital and physical assets
  • The types of dApps (decentralized apps) that can be built with the perpetualOS
  • How the operating system will impact users, creators and curators
  • How the perpetualOS is accessed and extended

The perpetualOS white paper is just the first volley into how ORIGYN plans to change the Web3 standards of today.

Stay with us on this journey by following us on Twitter and joining our Discord.

