Introducing an Autopilot for Your Bitcoin

OSOM finance
3 min readJun 18, 2020


Earning money is hard. Managing your wealth doesn’t have to be. That’s why at OSOM we’ve made it our mission to guide the world to money zen. Our ecosystem was built to empower you to manage and grow your wealth with ease and peace-of-mind.

In this spirit, we are excited to present our Crypto Autopilot, an AI-powered trading algorithm that automatically locates growth opportunities within 30+ altcoins to trade along with Bitcoin to increase your Bitcoin holdings. Crypto Autopilot is not just any trading bot — it was built using the same professional algorithms only available to institutional traders — until now.

The world’s first automated quant trading for crypto assets

For the first time ever, a state-of-the-art trading algorithm from the world of stock trading has been applied to crypto. To achieve this, we collaborated with the brightest minds in the fields of mathematics, finance and technology. This included InvestSuite, founded by a former KBC Securities board member, a mathematical engineer as well as a developer who led the KBC Bank Group data lab.

Performance against crypto index funds

Prior to releasing the alpha, we put the algorithm to the test with our own BTC. The Crypto Autopilot yielded significantly greater returns than a simple buy&hold strategy or any major crypto “index funds” or indexing strategies — Huobi’s HB10, Bitwise10, CIX100, and CCi30.

During the 6-month test period, our Bitcoin holdings increased by an annualized rate of return by around 56.5%. Our algorithm is suitable for medium to long-term strategies in a diversified portfolio of crypto assets.

Costs & Fees: Only pay when you make returns!

We feel that it’s only fair for us to get paid if you make money too, unlike most money managers and robo advisors who charge management or even monthly fees despite gains and losses. This is why we only charge 10% in performance fees at the end of each month — that’s right, we only take 10% of your earnings in that particular month.

A focus on ease-of-use and crypto asset diversification

From the beginning, ease-of-use has been at the heart of everything we create. We realized there could be a passive way to increase our users’ Bitcoin holdings while at the same time, diversifying exposure to exceptionally-performing altcoins.

Insights: How does the Crypto Autopilot work?

Every day, our committee, composed of people from Investsuite and OSOM, assesses the most interesting crypto assets, then defines the investment universe within which Autopilot will operate.

Then the Autopilot will allocate bitcoins into this preselected list of over 30 different crypto assets according to their market dynamics. No single constituent is allowed to represent more than 30% of the portfolio. This allocation will aim to improve the risk-adjusted returns over a pure bitcoin exposure with reduced volatility. The algorithm aims to outperform bitcoin through quantitative strategies of portfolio management.

The set of assets is defined by quality, market cap as well as trading volume. Our trading universe does not include dubious projects, stablecoins, synthetics or tokenized assets of gold or real estate. We tap into the potential of genuine crypto projects and nothing else.

Want to join? Waitlist sign-ups are open!

The Crypto Autopilot will be an integral part of the OSOM ecosystem alongside our Exchange and Wallet, all of which fulfill our core principles of simple aggregation, curation and automation.

The Crypto Autopilot is currently in closed Beta.

Interested to try it out? Sign-up now!

Each week, we invite just 100 people to try it out.

Questions? Check out the FAQ or reach out to us.



OSOM finance

Our AI-powered Quant Trading algorithm automatically finds growth opportunities within 30+ altcoins, trades Bitcoin for you, and increases your holdings.