DevNet @TAG Milan & Rome : all about Spark & Tropo APIs. Missed it ? deck is now live !

Stève Sfartz
3 min readMay 20, 2016


On May 5th in Rome and May 12th in Milan, a total of 100 participants joined a free DevNet training, focused on Cisco Spark and Tropo APIs.

Worth mentioning the UNIQUE location. Please meet Talent Garden : with 16 creative / innovation / startup / community locations in Europe, this is definitely the place where you want to stop by for an afternoon or a day.

By the way, Cisco Italy opted to have a permanent cube inside the Milan co-working space. Pass by, you’ll always be welcomed there. Did I mention our Cisco Women in Tech group member - Anna is a resident !

TAG — TalentGarden Milan

The late afternoon agenda was about DevNet ressources and a broad overview of applications you can deliver thanks to Cisco Spark & Tropo APIs.

Spark & Tropo APIs : extend Cisco Collaboration Cloud

Great interactions with a technical audiences of mix software developers, network engineers and Power Users. We showcased how to build your own integration in a snatch with IFTTT, Zapier and services. flow : send an SMS straight from Cisco Spark via Tropo & Spark APIs

Check out the full Deck and start builing your own integrations.

Time to party !

We followed up with business opportunities and technical talks. Watch out for these guys as they may come with true innovation in your neighbourhood ;-)

next gen Cloud Collaboration enthousiasts in Milan

What is DevNet ?

Cisco Developer Program — DevNet — gathers resources for Developers to innovate with Cisco APIs : learn, get inspired, share, and join communities…

Speaker’s bio

Stève Sfartz is API Evangelist at Cisco DevNet, spreading the word for Cisco REST APIs and Cloud Collaboration Services (Cisco Spark / Tropo). Stève helps Developers and Systems Engineers differentiate their product and accelerate their business by leveraging CISCO APIs. You’re a Startup, an Enterprise or an Independent Software Vendor? Feel free to ping Stève to discuss innovation and how to integrate CISCO APIs into your applications.

As a strong supporter of Web APIs, Stève has committed himself to teach developer communities World Wide how to consume and build APIs in various languages. Meet Stève at a Cisco event or during a Hackathon in France mostly, all around Europe and US. Follow on Twitter @SteveSfartz or meet at Github @ObjectIsAdvantag.



Stève Sfartz

#API Evangelist @CiscoDevNet, Entrepreneur, #golang lover, fatherOfTwo, husbandOfOne, @Tropo @CiscoSparkDev Vision without execution is hallucination