Hal Puthoff And Ken Shoulders

Observing The Anomaly
2 min readOct 2, 2022


Hal Puthoff is a huge part of the UFO discussion. He’s one of the few physicists that takes the subject seriously and is part of To The Stars Academy (TTSA.) He has claimed to have searched for maverick inventors with his company EarthTech to find innovative propulsion and energy sources to no avail. However, another very credible physicist who also worked at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) worked with Hal in the 1980’s to do just that and claims it was successful. I want to share his work and figure out why Hal’s connection to it hasn’t been discussed. Let’s reach a consensus if there is something here and if we should try to ask Puthoff about it.

Hal Puthoff’s connection to the UFO topic is well established. He is a part of TTSA and has been researching the topic for years with inside access to materials, scientists and government officials. His career is very interesting having been involved in the CIA’s project stargate remote viewing program. These details are well known. His connection to Ken Shoulder’s, however, appears to be under the radar.

Who is Ken Shoulders? Ken Shoulders was an experimental physicist and “father of vacuum microelectronics” with a career at SRI and multiple patents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_R._Shoulders

More interestingly, he spent the last half of his life researching what he called “exotic vacuum objects” or EVO’s and this work was done in conjunction with Hal Puthoff. Ken claimed that he had found a new source of energy in these strange plasma objects and all of his work has been archived by his son. The claims made by Ken are that he found a way to create charge clusters that basically violate known laws of physics and that he could repeat the results. His claims are similar to those made by LENR and cold fusion advocates except that he actually was getting reproducible results and documenting everything. I’ve found a link to the archives and there is a wealth of his work available to the public except for a few CD’s and DVD’s that are inexplicably unavailable to researchers until 2065. http://dla.library.upenn.edu/dla/pacscl/detail.html?id=PACSCL_SCIHIST_2015003USpaphchf

This is the most extensive story I could find on the subject. https://www.sciencehistory.org/distillations/the-frontiersman

Ken published a book about his research in 1987. https://freel.tech/charge-clusters/publications/shoulders/1%20-%20Ken%20Shoulders_EV,%20a%20tale%20of%20discovery.pdf

I find Ken Shoulder’s work fascinating as he appears to have been a very credible scientist and inventor and his work was inspired by well documented anomalous results by other scientists such as Winston Bostick.


Hal Puthoff being the interesting person that he is makes me wonder why nobody else has stumbled upon his connection to Ken Shoulders? He’s not just the remote viewing guy or the UFO physicist, he’s also the EVO guy. I’d love to ask him some questions about EVO’s and Ken Shoulders.

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Observing The Anomaly

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