Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive! Identifying the social network of “UFOlogy”

Observing The Anomaly
15 min readNov 9, 2022

I’m going to start by saying that I am skeptical and don’t believe everything being claimed I’m about to share with you. I just find it fascinating as I try to make sense of what’s going on. I’m doing my best to write this as if it’s a report and not my personal opinion.

Ronald Richter and Project Huemel: Fusion Claims in 1948 in Argentina by an Ex-Nazi Scientist

I recently became aware of Project Huemul and the story fascinated me as a fusion energy proponent as it’s an important part of the history of fusion research whether you believe Ronald Richter was a fraud or not. Richter was an Austrian born ex-Nazi scientist that started the worlds first ever (at least publicly) fusion energy project in Argentina in 1948. Yes, that’s a real story. It officially ended with him being declared a fraud, but it apparently jump started fusion research in America as well as Argentina.

Depending on who you believe in the narrative it’s also possible Richter was claiming the first ever “cold…



Observing The Anomaly

Focused on all-domain anomaly resolution. That includes UAP’s, but is also open to any anomalous data.