Will Ocean Acidification Affect Dungeness Crabs?2016 hasn’t been a good year for the West Coast Dungeness crab fishery. The fishing season that typically spans the winter months — worth…May 20, 2016May 20, 2016
Standing Before the Senate to Address the Ocean Plastics ProblemThis week, I testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on the problem of ocean plastics and how it negatively…May 18, 2016May 18, 2016
Icy Waters for ShellRecently, Shell gave up almost all of its oil and gas leases in the Chukchi Sea. This marks another nail in the coffin for risky offshore…May 11, 2016May 11, 2016
10 Things to Know about PenguinsThis blog was written by Roger Di Silvestro, a field correspondent for Ocean Conservancy.May 11, 2016May 11, 2016
Lionfish: A Crash CourseThere’s big news in the fight against invasive lionfish. This week, Representative Carlos Curbelo of Florida’s 26th District introduced a…Mar 21, 2016Mar 21, 2016
Women in Science: A Q&A with Tessa HillFor International Women’s Day, we looked at how women are contributing to the ever-expanding field of ocean science. Tessa Hill from the…Mar 8, 2016Mar 8, 2016