1 min readAug 6, 2018

Do you know that the American news gathering agencies and secular press, like similar ones in almost all nations of Christendom, in their general silence on things discreditable to Rome follow such a course, because through hierarchical manipulation Jesuits and other Romanist agents and sympathizers have wormed their way into strategic positions in almost all news gathering and disseminating agencies, where they exercise a quiet but effective censorship of all news, to the deleting therefrom of all that is uncomplimentary, the inclusion of such news as is complimentary of Rome and the publication of what is uncomplimentary of, and injurious to Protestantism and everything else that Rome opposes?

Paul S.L. Johnson

Herald of the Epiphany 1932




Warning of the coming Global Anarchy since 1986 thru music radio and print “Anarchy🔥results when socialism fails.” CT Russell Thy Kingdom Come ON EARTH Mt 6:10