Oculum Optics
2 min readSep 11, 2015

Change your view, see Better with Polarized Sunglasses

Sunglasses form an essential accessory for every male. But all types of sunglasses are not capable of reducing sun glare. Polarized sunglasses are well known for providing clear, glare free vision. They are suitable for use during driving, playing golf and fishing. The strong point of this pair lies in the fact that they do not cause distraction to the wearer when he is focusing on something. As a result, it causes a marked reduction in glare and increase visibility.

If you spend a significant amount of time outdoors during daytime, then polarized sunglasses will ensure that you don’t feel distracted by sun glare and can be safe from squinting. So, you will experience less fatigue and have fewer headaches while going on long trips. Polarized sunglasses will also make sure that you drive safely in course of the journey.

While fishing, using these pairs will enable you to have a clear view of the water around the world. During sunset, water can be reflected thereby causing low visibility.Having a clear sight of the water is a must. To protect your boat from rocks that are below the surface, you can navigate your boat around them. It will help you see them in advance.

Moreover, polarized sunglasses are affordable and come in different styles and colors. For a person who has an avid interest in outdoor sports like hiking, trekking, and surfing, this pair will be your perfect companion for most of the day. These sunglasses are lightweight, and so you will feel at home while wearing them. They will also protect your eyes from dust, glare, and the wind. If you have used any other type of sunglasses earlier then, you will experience a remarkable improvement in vision.

Since your eyes will be free from glare, your eyes will not be strained in any way. Squinting to view clear images causes a lot of strain on the eye, leading to a lot of health issues like irritation, fatigue, headaches and redness. Polarized lenses resolve this issue and enable the eyes to get the much needed relaxation.

Once you start using these sunglasses, you will be able to see colors and images minutely. However, it would be better to consult an eye specialist before using this pair. This is because polarized lenses are not suitable for use while skiing downhill, driving at night or viewing an LCD. Once the doctor recommends it you, there will be a dramatic improvement in your daytime vision. So, for long term use polarized lenses are most suitable.

For More Information : http://oculum.com.br/