Odis Jones Reveals How To Effectively Renovate Your Downtown Area

Odis Jones
3 min readFeb 28, 2020


Odis Jones Reveals How To Effectively Renovate Your Downtown Area

A city’s tourism potential depends heavily on the appearance of its downtown area, where most of the action and attraction often takes place.

Unfortunately, smaller towns, the same ones that used to have a vibrant atmosphere and plenty of appealing retail stores, are now facing an uphill battle because of a variety of factors. Some of these factors are highway bypasses that have altered traffic patterns; expansion of large-format retail stores; loss of fundamental mom-and-pop stores; vacant real estate controlled by absentee landlords; and new competition from online retailers.

While these trends are certain to provoke feelings of apprehension, there are reasons to be optimistic and confident that a turnaround can be achieved. One example of this is Pensacola, Florida, a city that experienced several decades of economic debacle and saw a rise in vacant buildings, along with its young people taking off for greater opportunities, bounced back decisively. Now, its downtown is burgeoning, new businesses are opening left and right, and more construction is occurring than at any time in modern history. Property values are mighty, as the past five years show that the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) grew from an assessed property value of $675 million dollars to $850 million dollars, representing a 25.9 percent boost.

Odis Jones, President and CEO of Cobblestone Development, a company that focuses on economic growth and development in communities, has expressed a few methods in renovating and revitalizing a downtown area to improve tourism.

Engage With The People

Any successful downtown transition relies on its people, those who are familiar with the area because they live nearby or pass through frequently. Odis Jones states that their feedback is pivotal for a renovation project, which will help avoid the dispiriting sight of a shop or store boarding its windows and closing only a few months after its inception. Talk to the residents, note what ideas they take to, visualize if it can be utilized as a tourism marketing tool and then perform affirmative action for its creation. Change is something that can scare people as it upsets the status quo. Ensure that plans are made to address any potential complications and get the community involved with the planning for the best results.

Vivacious & Variety

Unique and fun-filled options are instrumental in renovating a downtown area, Odis Jones says. Buildings must bring positive vibes, as well as serve the local residents with essential goods and services. A downtown is only as interesting as the stores and restaurants that are available. If you have something unique or special about your downtown area, make sure that it is highlighted. Not only will this make your city stand out, it will also draw in tourists which will provide a boost to the economy.

Ensure A Clean & Safe Area

Two of the major pitfalls that a downtown area has to overcome is the elimination of rampant crime and maintaining cleanliness. Residents and tourists need to feel a sense of safety. Streets should be aesthetically pleasing, devoid of litter and graffiti, especially because it can directly affect how invulnerable visitors consider themselves to be.

Odis Jones believes that there are many ways to address concerns stemming from safety or cleanliness. Some of these methods include conducting a safety assessment; institute a visible security presence in the neighborhood; provide city trash and street cleaning services; and form a team of street ambassadors. By implementing some or all of these initiatives, you not only help to keep your downtown safe and clean, but it also helps to show you commitment and convince others to take the initiative upon themselves as well.

Odis Jones concludes that improving and revitalizing the downtown of your city can be one of the most effective expenditures that can be made. A renovated downtown can energize and revitalize the community and help to grow your city’s tourism.



Odis Jones

Jones is currently the President/CEO of Cobblestone Development & Consulting