Ofentse Manchidi
2 min readNov 15, 2022


Speaker: Brian Tracy

“When you master yourself, you can succeed at anything. The key to mastering your thoughts and actions is developing self-discipline.
Did you know the most successful people have gotten to where they are today because they have learned to practice self-discipline?” Brian Tracy.

If you really believe in your ideas, then you must have the discipline to follow through with them, meaning you must be in a position to
discipline yourself whenever a distracting thought or event leads you astray. First before you can think of moving forward, you must make it a point that your entire being is in alignment with your thoughts and every cell in your body believes you are capable of implementing the idea.

self-discipline towards your idea.

“If you, too, would like to regain control of your thoughts and actions, improvement begins by understanding the definition of self-discipline,
knowing the skills you need to develop it, and following examples that will inspire you to greatness.

What Is Self-Discipline?

Let’s start with the basics.

The word self-discipline is actually made up of two parts. The noun “discipline” means “training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties
or moral character” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The ‘self’ in self-discipline means you have the willpower to do these things on your own, without someone telling you to do them. So self-discipline means you control your feelings and even do hard things so you can be better and have more prosperity.” Brian Tracy.

To be on the way and be in a position to implement the idea(s) you have, you must know how to develop your self-discipline, in order to be able to follow through with it and show the world what you are made of.

“7 Steps To Develop Self-Discipline.
When you have the determination to improve self-discipline, you open up many doors to new opportunities.
But it takes more than willpower to improve your ability to discipline yourself. You need to develop skills through learning and training yourself to practice self-control until being self-disciplined becomes a habit.

Follow these seven steps to success.

Wait for the book to come out, to read the whole chapter.

I promise you will have fun reading the steps.



Ofentse Manchidi

I love speaking about and writing about AI and Marketing, with stories as the engine of my content creation. #MarketingPeopleLove#AIproponent#TopWriter Join us!