How To Write A Daily Activity Report For Your Security Guard Company
2 min readSep 29, 2015


Customers Judge Your Daily Activity Reports

Check out these 10 GREAT tips on how to write a daily activity report. Read the full article here: How To Write A Daily Activity Report That Matters

One: Branding

Every report that you provide to customers should have your company name and logo.

Two: Timestamp all reports

When your officers submit reports every report should be timestamped, contain the location that the report pertains to, and the submitting officer’s name.

Three: Have shift start notes

At the beginning of the shift: 1) Capture he shift that the officer is working; 2) Any special instructions that the officer receives 3) An inventory and condition of items the officer receives.

Four: Make stuff easy to find

When officers write a DAR it should be easy for the reader to quickly find information. If you are using digital reporting, ensure that the officers are specifying the tasks that they are performing.

Five: Show continuous activity

Every observation that the officer makes should be accompanied by the time that the officer is making that observation.

Six: Who, what, when, where

During their shift there are a number of things that officers can add to their DARs. Officers should provide the Who, What, When, and Where for observations they make.

Seven: K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Officers should refrain from showing off their vocabulary. An officer’s DAR should be concise, descriptive, and factual.

Eight: Keep the reader in mind

Unless instructed otherwise, security officers should refrain from using language a civilian reader might not understand.

Nine: Include video and images

Hopefully by now your officers should be using mobile devices for reporting, so use the camera and video recorder.

Ten: What’s next

Information that comes to the officer after the report is submitted should be accurately time stamped and logged.

By Courtney Sparkman



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