Work On Your Security Guard Business, Not Just In It
2 min readOct 14, 2016


The Ticket To Success: Work On Your Security Guard Business, Not Just In It

As a security guard company owner, you will often find yourself spending too much time working IN your security guard business rather than ON your business.

If you’re truly going to lead your company, you need more time to figure out not where you’ll be tomorrow, but where you’ll be in six months, a year, two years from now. That’s what builds your business. Making the time to think long-term will only result from being more efficient with your time.

Here’s are a few tips on how to get started:

Commit to Change

Commit yourself to taking the time to think about all the big picture stuff. After awhile, you will realize just how important that “Big Picture” time is. Taking the time to think through the strategic issues allows you to establish processes that help drive efficiencies across your organization.

Your Security Guard Business Has To Embrace Technology

The role of technology is to boost efficiency. Adopting full-scale solutions instead of simply tinkering around the edges of a system that works “good enough” for you takes time — but it’s an investment that pays off down the road in increased efficiency.

Protect Your Most Valuable Resource, Your Time

Once you get empty time, you’ll be tempted to fill it with tasks such as writing that report or making one more sales call. Instead, respect the value of empty time and reserve it to think about long-term issues or even simply daydreaming about “like-to-have” situations for your company.

As a leader, when you free up your time, you’re creating a resource. Don’t allocate it to everyday tasks — give it to something you’ve never done before, and see where it takes you.

How much time do you set aside to think about the big picture? If you don’t what stops you? Please feel free to leave your comments below.

Revised by: Chai Nguyen



We create software that helps security guard companies better manage their operations, better service their current contracts, and win new business