0.Exchange Rebrand Meme & Sticker Contest

Zero Exchange
2 min readMar 30, 2021


Dear Zero Community!

We have been blown away by your support for us over the last few months as we worked tirelessly to make the next evolution of DEX, 0.Exchange, a reality!

0.Exchange comes at a critical moment for DeFi. Congestion on the Ethereum network has resulted in high gas prices and costly transaction fees, eroding trader experience and leaving all of us both frustrated and lighter in the wallet. We hope you have enjoyed the platform thus far and want to get you all involved in further building the Zero Community!

Our first meme contest was a hugely successful, fun community-driven event. The team behind Zero truly enjoyed every submission! That’s why starting tomorrow, we would like to announce a new community engagement campaign, where you all can showcase your creativity AND of course win some $ZERO.

The 0.Exchange team is thrilled to announce the second community competition — Rebranding Meme & Sticker Contest!

Meme & Sticker Contest Period:

The contest begins on March 31st, 2021, at 12pm EST

and ends on April 7th, 2021, at 12pm EST.


- 1st place: 1000 USD worth of $ZERO

- 2nd place: 900 USD worth of $ZERO

- 3rd place: 800 USD worth of $ZERO

- 4th place: 700 USD worth of $ZERO

- 5th place: 600 USD worth of $ZERO

- 6th place: 500 USD worth of $ZERO

- 7th place: 400 USD worth of $ZERO

- 8th place: 300 USD worth of $ZERO

- 9th place: 200 USD worth of $ZERO

- 10th place: 100 USD worth of $ZERO

Total: 5500 USD worth of $ZERO

What to do:

  • Follow our Twitter account https://twitter.com/OfficialZeroDEX
  • Create a meme or a sticker pack!
  • Post a meme on your twitter — We will save your name and meme

and make sure to mention the @OfficialZeroDEX Twitter account as well

→ otherwise, your meme will not count!

A maximum of 3 memes can be submitted per user — we appreciate quality over quantity!


  • Memes must be original and not reused or rehashed previously. Originality and creativity are important!
  • By submitting your meme, you agree to give ZERO the right to repost your work on all media channels. Pictures are not contractual.

Please, use this Google Drive package with ZERO icons and images to create memes:


We thank everyone for your support and wish you success in this contest.


Follow us:

Website: 0.Exchange | Twitter: https://twitter.com/OfficialZeroDEX

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialZeroDEX

Github: https://github.com/zeroexchange

Telegram: https://t.me/ZeroExchangeCommunity

Telegram ANN channel: https://t.me/ZeroExchangeAnn

