Zero Reborn Pt. 3

Zero Exchange
3 min readJun 25, 2021


RELAY has a total supply of only 10,000,000 tokens. This is a 100x reduction from the 1,000,000,000 total supply that ZERO had. The reason for the changing of the supply is simple — the purpose of RELAY is different than the purpose of ZERO; the total supply should reflect these differences.


In redesigning the tokenomics of ZERO we realized we had to make tokenomics that are more sustainable. The majority of RELAY tokens will go towards incentivizing liquidity or helping grow the RELAY ecosystem through grants and incentivizing developers.

Advisors — tokens are fully locked, if an advisor is signed, they received 10% of their tokens after 30 days, 15% after 60 days, and the remaining 25% each quarter thereafter.

IDO — Initial DEX Offering, helps enable us to bootstrap liquidity on the initial RELAY pools

Legacy Zero Holders — Snapshots already taken. Weighted based on current ZERO holdings. Linearly vests each day for 6 months. Fully vested 12/2021

ZERO<>RELAY Swap — 100 ZERO can be swapped for 1 RELAY. 30-days to claim. Anything unclaimed is burnt.

Network Growth Fund — Linearly vests each day for 2 years. Helps incentivize developers and partners to build on/with RELAY. Fully vested 6/2023.

Community Incentives — As needed (for liquidity mining for example) — 24 hour timeclock to withdraw any funds from the incentives contract. Community will be notified of the withdraw and an event will be broadcast on blockchain.

Team — 6 month cliff. Linearly vests each day for 1 year each day after the expiration of the 6 month cliff. Fully vested 12/2022.

Marketing — Linearly vests each day for 2 years. Fully vested 6/2023

Zero Swap

As you can see in our tokenomics, the entirety of the initial supply of RELAY is held by ZERO holders and IDO participants.

ZERO holders will be able to swap their ZERO for RELAY at a ratio of 100 ZERO to 1 RELAY.

Known Relayers

The community has asked repeatedly — so we’ve worked diligently with our relayer partners to make their identities known:

We thank Exchange, Zokyo, Bridge Mutual, and ChartEx for being trusted relayers and bringing safety and security to the Relay Bridge.

NOTE: Bridge Mutual & ChartEx are being onboarded as relayers over the next couple of days

We will continue working with new entities to onboard additional relayers!

Zero Reborn Pt. 4…

  • Launch Information 🚀
  • Launch Partners 🤝

