Zodiac Calculator: A ChatGPT-Powered Astrology Website

Chi Ofoegbu
3 min readJun 20, 2023


So I decided I would be building an online tool every month. This is something I have always wanted to do.

The goal is to improve my product marketing management journey. Get me exposed to things I don’t know, and make me some money.

This is my first month and first tool.

This month we are building a Zodiac Sign Calculator, an Astrology website powered by ChatGPT

I want the tool to be as simple as taking user birthday input and passing it into a ChatGPT prompt.

But then this tool has to satisfy SASMM criteria (Searchable, Agreeable, Shareable, Monetizable, and Measurable)

Searchable (I did keyword research. lol )

(Build things people searching for)

This is very important. I want to build only tools that people are searching for on Google/Bing.

It is very difficult to rank for anything related to Astrology, but then I had to give it a try by optimizing the content, meta titles, description, and heading tags.

Also using Google and Bing consoles to track how it ranks for certain keywords (everything is zero at this point)

Agreeable (Engageable)

(Build things people love and can use)

I wanted people to relate very well with the tool. It is Astrology. Who doesn’t want to find out what is so special about their birthday?


(Build things people want to tell their friends about)

I had share buttons right under the generated horoscope. The content had to be agreeable for people to relate with it, that’s the only way they could share.

As for the open graph. I had it well-optimized. Just in case someone finally shares my tool on Facebook, I wanted to make sure the image is catchy enough to drive clicks.

I designed it with Canva. Used opengraph.xyz to preview how it would look on Facebook and Twitter.

What are the chances of this going viral? I don't know.


(Build things that will make you money)

The tool is fully monetized with Google Adsense. Though the 2 cent CPC is very exhausting.


(Improve the things you build)

To improve a marketing process, there is a need to collect feedback.

I will update this content with the data collected from Google Analytics and Search console, and the improvement that was made from it.


See you all next Month, If Christ tarries and if I don’t lose interest in the whole thing.



Chi Ofoegbu

Working towards the orgastic future. Sometimes I'm in danger of going too far!