Washington scores a victory in battle over Nord Stream 2 pipeline

Jon Oronero
3 min readNov 10, 2017


On the surface, it might look like an inconsequential bit of European Union regulation. But a proposal put forward on Wednesday by the European Commission to extend the EU’s regulatory regime to gas pipelines coming from outside the bloc was being closely watched by many capitals. The reasons had nothing to do with regulation.

As the proposal emerged, Washington and Warsaw were grinning with delight. Moscow and Berlin were fuming. The new rules will apply generally to all new projects, but they are aimed at one in particular - a controversial new pipeline, called Nord Stream 2, that would bring Russian gas under the Baltic Sea to Germany. The U.S. government and allies in Eastern Europe believe the pipeline is a Russian attempt to punish Ukraine by bypassing the pipeline that currently runs under the country. They say it will harm Europe’s energy security by making the EU even more reliant on Russian gas.

Moscow counters that the U.S. is not so much concerned with Europe’s energy security as it is with its own profits. U.S. energy giants are hoping to export surplus from the shale gas boom to Europe via liquified natural gas (LNG) on ships, and countries on the Baltic Sea have been constructing LNG port terminals to receive this new bonanza. Washington is using geopolitics as a smoke screen to keep open potential export markets, Moscow says. Germany is also distrustful of the U.S. motivations and wants to crack on with building the pipeline, which would run alongside an existing pipeline called Nord Stream 1. Berlin does not want to see another winter where gas deliveries are disrupted by disputes between Russia and Ukraine.

Brussels has been caught in the middle. Although it first appeared the Commission would leave the matter to the countries in which the construction will take place, after vocal complaints by Poland, it asked all 28 EU member states to come to a unanimous agreement on a negotiating mandate with Russia. With Berlin and Warsaw sharply divided on the issue, such an agreement has proved elusive. Poland has been pushing for the mandate to insist on extending EU energy rules not only to this pipeline, but retroactively to all previous ones. The idea is to make a mandate so unpalatable to Russia, negotiations can’t go anywhere.

The rules governing the EU’s energy market currently do not apply to the existing Nord Stream pipeline because it runs through international waters. Poland wants these rules extended to the EU’s offshore economic zone, which would ensnare the pipeline. And this is what the Commission proposed on Wednesday. Although the negotiating mandate requires a unanimous vote, these changes to the EU’s energy rules require only a qualified majority vote. That means Germany, and others that support its position such as Austria, can be outvoted. With the jurisdiction issue resolved, there would be nothing left to argue over for the mandate, leaving it likely to be passed with the onerous regulatory requirements.

Will this be a mandate that Russia can work with? Washington and Warsaw hope not. But they may be underestimating Russia’s desire to rid themselves of the troublesome Ukraine gas route. In the end, this is not really a battle over regulatory energy rules. It is about geopolitics, and commercial interests. And once again, energy-poor Europe is caught in the middle - a chess piece in a game of energy dominance. The Nord Stream 2 story is not over yet. But for the moment, it would appear opponents of the pipeline have the upper hand.

Source: David Keating for Forbes

