Plaintext vs Ciphertext: Understanding the Basics

Oliver J. Freeman FRSA
3 min readMar 11, 2023


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

When it comes to the world of cryptography, the terms plaintext and ciphertext are commonly used. Understanding the difference between the two is crucial in comprehending how encryption works, what it can and cannot do, and how it can be used to secure data. In this article, I’ll provide an introduction to plaintext and ciphertext, outlining their differences and similarities and explaining why they matter.

What is Plaintext?

Plaintext is simply the unencrypted form of a message. It is the original message that you want to keep secure or confidential. It could be anything from an email, a text message, a document, or any other form of data that you want to protect. In plaintext form, the message is easily readable, and anyone who intercepts it can easily understand it.

What is Ciphertext?

Ciphertext, on the other hand, is the encrypted version of a plaintext message. It is the result of applying an encryption algorithm to the plaintext, which transforms it into an unreadable format. The process of encryption involves scrambling the original message using a secret key, making it indecipherable without the correct key. Ciphertext looks like a string of random characters, and without the correct key, it is impossible to read or understand.

The Difference Between Plaintext and Ciphertext

The main difference between plaintext and ciphertext is that plaintext is the original, unencrypted message, while ciphertext is the encrypted version of that message. The purpose of encryption is to transform plaintext into ciphertext to make it unreadable to anyone who does not have the correct key.

Plaintext is generally easy to read, understand, and interpret, while ciphertext is unintelligible without the proper decryption key. It is essential to note that ciphertext is not a form of data compression or data encoding. It is not merely changing the format of the message, but rather it is entirely altering the message itself.

Why Does it Matter?

The distinction between plaintext and ciphertext is crucial in the field of cryptography because it forms the foundation of many cryptographic systems. Encryption algorithms use plaintext and a secret key to generate ciphertext, which can be securely transmitted or stored. Decryption algorithms then use the secret key to transform the ciphertext back into plaintext, allowing the recipient to read and understand the original message.

Without understanding the difference between plaintext and ciphertext, it is impossible to understand how encryption and decryption work. It is also impossible to design and implement secure cryptographic systems without this knowledge. Moreover, understanding the difference between plaintext and ciphertext is essential in understanding the limitations of encryption. While encryption can protect data from unauthorised access, it cannot protect data from being modified or deleted by someone who has access to the plaintext message.

Wrapping it up

So, to wrap it up, plaintext and ciphertext are two fundamental concepts in the world of cryptography. Plaintext is the original, unencrypted message, while ciphertext is the encrypted version of that message. Encryption algorithms use plaintext and a secret key to generate ciphertext, which can be securely transmitted or stored. Decryption algorithms then use the secret key to transform the ciphertext back into plaintext, allowing the recipient to read and understand the original message. Understanding the difference between plaintext and ciphertext is essential in understanding how encryption and decryption work, as well as the limitations of encryption.

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Oliver J. Freeman FRSA

Geopolitical supply chain writer | Contributor and Editor in the tech space. Occasional health and well-being writer.