Coming of Age in the 1950s All Over AgainI’ve been reflecting on my blog on coming of age in the 1950s, and on some of the extraordinary changes I’ve observed since then, from…Jan 26, 2017Jan 26, 2017
GenerationsMy generation, born between 1928 and 1945, was identified as “Silent” when many of us were still too young to protest, even if we had been…Oct 23, 2015Oct 23, 2015
Mockingbird YearsEver since February 3rd the media — old-fashioned evening news and Twitterverse alike — has been bubbling with comment and speculation…Jul 8, 2015Jul 8, 2015
Once Upon A TimeFirst jobs in the 1950s — lucky to be with children’s books and their editorsAug 12, 2014Aug 12, 2014
Published inHuman PartsIn & Out: The Generations GapCollege women, count your blessingsJun 5, 2014Jun 5, 2014
‘Madly for Adlai’: Reflections for Commencement SeasonHoping to recover the hero of the 1956 campaignMay 29, 2014May 29, 2014