The top 5 categories of videos on YouTube to increase income and subscribers

8 min readAug 7, 2024


Growing a YouTube channel involves a combination of understanding your audience, creating engaging content, and leveraging strategies that drive subscriptions and income. Below are five highly effective types of YouTube videos for expanding your subscriber base and boosting revenue. Each type includes a detailed outline to guide you in creating content that resonates with viewers and maximizes growth.

1. How-To and Tutorial Videos

Hook the audience with a compelling question or problem statement.

Start your video with a question or problem that directly relates to your audience’s needs or interests.” Struggling to keep your plants alive?” is one example. This approach immediately grabs attention and makes viewers curious if your video can offer a solution. It sets the stage for them to stay engaged and find out how your content can help them.

Give a brief explanation of the lessons or goals that watching the movie will teach viewers.

After hooking your audience, briefly explain what they’ll gain from the video. For example, “In this video, I’ll show you easy tips to keep your plants thriving, even if you have a black thumb.” This lets viewers know exactly what they’ll learn and what problems your video will solve, motivating them to keep watching.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Divide the procedure into understandable, doable phases.

Break down the process into simple, easy-to-follow steps. For instance, if you’re showing how to cook a meal, divide it into stages like preparing ingredients, cooking, and serving. This makes it easier for viewers to understand and follow along, ensuring they can replicate the steps on their own.

Use visuals and demonstrations to enhance understanding.

Incorporate visuals and demonstrations to make your instructions clearer. Show actual footage or images of each step in action, like chopping vegetables or mixing ingredients. This helps viewers see exactly what you’re talking about and makes it easier for them to grasp the process.

Offer tips and tricks to make the process easier or more effective.

Share helpful tips and tricks throughout the process to make things smoother or more efficient. For example, suggest a shortcut for quicker prep or a handy tool that simplifies a task. These extras provide added value and can make the entire process more manageable for viewers.

2. Product Reviews and Unboxing

\Kick off your product review or unboxing by introducing the product and highlighting why it’s noteworthy. For example, “Today, we’re unboxing the latest XYZ headphones that have been generating a lot of buzz for their high-quality sound and sleek design.” Share your initial impressions or what you’re excited to discover, like “I’m eager to see if these headphones live up to their promises of excellent noise-cancellation and comfort.”This strategy gets people interested in what you have to offer and prepares them for a thorough analysis.

Introduce the product and explain why it’s worth reviewing or unboxing.

Introduce the product by naming it and highlighting why it’s interesting or noteworthy. For example, “Today, we’re taking a closer look at the new XYZ smartwatch, which has received amazing feedback for its cutting-edge features.” To create anticipation and encourage viewers to stick around, briefly discuss its special features or the recent buzz that has made it worthwhile to evaluate.

Share initial impressions or expectations.

Share your first thoughts or what you’re expecting from the product. For example, “I’m excited to see if this smartwatch lives up to its claims of impressive battery life and sleek design.” Mention any specific features you’re eager to test or aspects you’re particularly interested in, setting the stage for your detailed review.


Showcase the product’s features, functionality, and design.

Showcase the product by highlighting its key features, how it functions, and its overall design. An instance of this might be, “This is a close-up of the smartwatch’s elegant display and its variety of health-tracking functions.” Show off its features and functionalities, such as its distinctive design or cutting-edge features. This makes it easier for viewers to understand what the product is offering and why it would be worthwhile for them to pay attention.

Discuss pros and cons, providing honest and detailed feedback.

Discuss the product’s strengths and weaknesses by offering honest, detailed feedback. For example, “The smartwatch has a fantastic battery life and a user-friendly interface, but I noticed it’s a bit bulky on the wrist.” Highlight what you like and any areas where the product falls short, giving viewers a balanced perspective to help them make an informed decision.

Demonstrate how the product performs or how it compares to similar items.

Show how the product performs in real-life scenarios or compare it to similar items. For example, “Let’s test the smartwatch’s fitness tracking feature against another popular model to see how they stack up.” This practical demonstration helps viewers understand how well the product works and how it measures up to competitors.

3. Vlogs and Behind-the-Scenes

Briefly explain what the vlog or behind-the-scenes footage will cover.

Start by giving a quick overview of what your vlog or behind-the-scenes footage will include. As an illustration, “Today, I’m taking you behind the scenes of my most recent photo shoot, showcasing the enjoyable moments that weren’t included in the final version and how we set up the shots.” This sets expectations and gets viewers excited about the personal or exclusive content they’re about to see.

Establish expectations regarding the material’s purpose.

Let viewers know what to expect from the content and why it’s valuable. For example, “Watch a day in my life and get a sneak peek at how I plan my videos in this vlog.” Clarify the purpose of the footage, such as giving an inside look at your process or sharing personal experiences, to keep viewers engaged and interested.

Main Content:

Share personal experiences, daily activities, or special events.

Share personal experiences and daily activities to give viewers a glimpse into your life. For example, talk about a recent adventure you had or your typical workday routines. Highlighting special events, like a milestone or a unique experience, keeps the content relatable and engaging, helping viewers connect with you on a personal level.

Offer a behind-the-scenes look at your creative process or everyday life.

Give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at how you create your content or manage your daily tasks. For instance, show how you plan and film your videos or share the setup and challenges you face. This glimpse into your process makes your work more transparent and engaging, allowing viewers to appreciate the effort and creativity behind the scenes.

4. Challenge and Trend Videos

Introduce the challenge or trend and explain its relevance.

Start by introducing the challenge or trend you’re participating in, and explain why it’s relevant or exciting. For example,.. For instance, “Watch a day in my life and get a sneak peek at how I plan my videos in this vlog.” This helps viewers understand the context and get excited about following along.

Share your excitement or motivation for participating.

Share why you’re excited or motivated to join the challenge or trend. For instance, you might say, “I’m pumped to try this 30-Day Fitness Challenge because I’m looking to boost my energy and see if I can make a real change in my fitness routine.” Expressing your enthusiasm and personal goals helps viewers connect with your journey and adds a genuine touch to your content.

Challenge Execution:

Follow the rules or format of the challenge or trend.

Stick to the rules or format of the challenge to ensure you’re participating correctly. For example, if the challenge requires daily workouts, show yourself completing each workout as outlined. Following the guidelines helps keep your content authentic and ensures viewers see the challenge as it’s meant to be done, adding credibility to your experience.

Document the process with engaging and entertaining commentary.

Capture each step of the challenge with lively and entertaining commentary. Share your thoughts, reactions, and funny moments as you process. For example, someone would say, “My muscles are feeling it — I can’t believe how tough today’s workout was.” This keeps viewers entertained and engaged, making them feel part of the experience.

Highlight any interesting or humorous moments.

Point out any funny or memorable moments that happen during the challenge. For example, if you struggle with a particularly tough exercise or encounter a quirky mishap, share it with a light-hearted comment.”I attempted a handstand, but I fell and started laughing uncontrollably! You may add uniqueness to your video and increase user engagement by emphasizing certain sequences.

5. Educational and Informational Content

Present the topic and explain its importance or relevance to your audience.

Start by clearly introducing the topic you’ll be discussing, such as, “Today, we’re exploring effective study techniques to boost your academic performance.” Explain why this topic is important by pointing out common challenges your audience might face, like struggling to retain information or manage time effectively. Emphasize how understanding and applying these techniques can lead to better grades, reduced stress, and improved learning efficiency. This helps viewers see the practical value of the information and why it’s worth their attention.

list the main ideas or issues that will be discussed.

Outline the main points or concepts you’ll cover in the video to give viewers a clear idea of what to expect. For instance, “In this video, we’ll break down three essential study techniques: active recall, spaced repetition, and time management strategies.” Briefly explain each concept, such as how active recall helps reinforce memory or how spaced repetition improves long-term retention. This helps viewers understand the structure of your content and what they’ll learn, making it easier for them to follow along and stay engaged.

Main Content:

Provide in-depth information or analysis on the topic.

Dive deep into the topic by providing detailed information or analysis. For example, if you’re discussing study techniques, explain how active recall works by repeatedly testing yourself on the material, and why it’s effective for memory retention. Offer insights backed by research or real-world examples to illustrate each point clearly. This thorough explanation helps viewers grasp the concepts more fully and understand their practical applications, making the content more valuable and engaging.

Use visuals, charts, and examples to support your points.

Enhance your explanation with visuals, charts, and examples to make complex information easier to understand. For instance, if you’re explaining how to create a budget, use a chart to show a sample budget breakdown. Include visuals like diagrams or infographics to illustrate key concepts, and provide real-life examples to demonstrate how the ideas apply in practical situations. This approach not only makes the content more engaging but also helps viewers visualize and grasp the material more effectively.

Break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand segments.

Simplify complex concepts by breaking them into smaller, easy-to-understand segments. Start with a basic overview of the concept, then divide it into manageable parts, explaining each one step-by-step. For example, if you’re teaching a complex financial concept, first cover the fundamental terms, then move on to how they interact, and finally show practical applications. This method helps viewers absorb the information gradually and reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed, making it easier for them to follow and retain what they’ve learned.

