
Black President
2 min readJun 24, 2017


Indulgence makes us comfortable

Eventually it makes us careless. On day one, you’re cautious, you ensure all the windows are locked and only listen with the volume at the lowest.

The earpiece hangs just over your left ear so you don’t get too lost in it- the beginning.

On the day you get caught, there’s a flush on your face and the soft corpse of your erection in your well oiled hand.

Were your lubricant palm oil, you would have given a new definition to being caught red handed.

There’s too much embarrassment to deal with for you so you don’t register the shock on her face. You wonder in that split second why you didn’t lock the door, why you turned up the volume to the loudest and why you finally put both pods of the earphones in.

Indulgence Makes Us Careless.

There’s one last fleeting look at the web page- ebony schoolgirl gets spanked by naughty teacher- before you close it.

You close the door now but your shame comes in anyway and sits with you; it asks you the tough questions, like if you’re going to lie to her it was the first time.

It takes a while but you emerge like a phoenix from the ashes of your shame, ready to lie your way back into her good graces.

It’s really awkward but you know you’ve got this, you’ve got your excuses pat down. Well-told lies and sex-once every quarter- are the foundation of good marriages anyway.

It was the first time, you tell her and gradually work her till you feel her face ease, she’s starting to buy into the elaborate deception.

All is well with the world you think but there’s a bombshell coming; she’s been looking through your browser history she tells you. She leaves the room and only return with four printed sheets.… the list is longer than the arm of the law and all your lies are laid bare.

You used to delete the evidence in the early days, circumspect man that you were but all men grow slack after all and maybe it is high time you faced the music after all, indulgence makes us careless.



Black President

I don't know what drives you, my hustle is my own chauffeur