Tech Hack: Part 2: Download Any Book For Free

Om Ashish Mishra
3 min readJan 21, 2020

โ€œGood friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.โ€
โ€• Mark Twain

Books!! We find it everywhere Be it Library, Home, Offices, Hospitals and even in Book Fairs ๐Ÿ“š. The reading of book is such a priceless feeling that it has evolved over the years. It has got many features like audio books, storage and even turned into movies. Similarly getting Books for free (as pdf format) has come to the surface.

Therefore all Bookworms out there, here is a way that I use.

This website:- (Library Genesis)

As you can see this website not only helps in downloading Books but Magazines, Search Papers, Articles and even Comics too.

Okay, let me give you a small demo!

Suppose I want to download one of the White Tiger!!

I write down White Tiger and followed by selecting Fiction button. Then I go for search.

Then we can see below the various ways in which the details are represented:-

The details are represented in the form of

Authors: The Novelist

Series: If the book given is series name!

Title: The book cover changes depending on version or edition or company.

Language: The language in which the Books are available.

File: The particular format in which the file is present!

Mirrors: Various websites to download from!!

Therefore, the one(White Tiger) that I was looking for is by author Aravind Adiga. Therefore I can see there are 2 sets one in PDF format the other in Epub format. Therefore I choose one with PDF and go for mirror 1.

So, land up with the following page:-

We Download it by clicking GET. Done!!

Some Tips:

  • Sometimes you donโ€™t know the genre of the book therefore understand that first. This will make your search easier.
  • Sometimes the books are not available in PDF. Download the other formats like EPUB, HTM, RAR etc.

You can then search for free converters and change them to PDF!!

The above one is my personal favorite for conversion of EPUB to PDF!

Similarly you can find for rest!๐Ÿ˜‡

  • Sometimes, the recent books are not out!! Give it some time they will be published soon!!

Some other free websites for Book are:-


I hope I could be helpful. Keep in touch and do subscribe for more. You can always email me for coding and related things. I shall be glad to help! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Have a nice day!! ๐Ÿค—

