Reno Omokri
3 min readDec 11, 2020

How Holy Is The Name Jesus?

Let me ask you this question. What is the meaning of Jesus? Some of you will say ‘The Lord Saves’. No. That is the meaning of Yeshua, not Jesus. Now, again, I ask you, what is the meaning of Jesus? It is shrouded in mystery. It is unclear. It is suspicious. Some people think it is Zeus, the Greek God. I do not know if this is true. But what I do know is that satan likes to play games with names, such as Santa (Father Christmas). If you rearrange Santa, you get satan. Coincidence? What about Claus? Rearrange it and you get Lucas. For those who do not know Lucas comes from the Latin word Lucere, and means light or to shine. Lucere is the first part of the name Lucifer. Lucifer simply means Light bearer or Light Ferrier in Latin. Another coincidence? You be the judge.

And I urge my readers to research these things. I went to great lengths to find out these truths. I did not just go on Google and Wikipedia. I physically went to The Vatican, to Rome, to Israel, to Egypt, to Israel, to Ethiopia. I saw ancient documents. Some in papyrus.

Those who purport to follow Christ must really put in commitment. Hebrews 11:6 says “God is a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY seek Him”. God does not want casual seekers. He wants diligent seekers. God can do more with one man who is committed to Him than with one billion men who are interested in Him.

Heaven is not a democracy. And “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.”-Luke 6:26.

I received Jesus when I gave my life to him in September of 1980 at the age of 6. I received Yeshua as an adult when God opened my eyes. And I pray that someone’s eyes have been opened by reading this. Because, as Christ said:

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”-John 8:32.

Is Christ’s Name holy? Of course. Is it sacred? Yes.

So what does it mean to be holy? Holy means something that is sacred and dedicated to God and not to be violated by man.

The Name Yeshua is holy. It is not to be transliterated or translated. You don’t change the Name to suit yourself. You change yourself to suit the Name.

How come Muslims have never translated or transliterated the name Mohammed?

How come Buddhists have never translated or transliterated the name Buddha?

How come Hindus have never translated or transliterated the name Krishna?

It is only Christians who translated or transliterated the name Yeshua to Jesus. And if you ask them why, they will use their brain to come up with logic. If you have to defend anything with logic, then are you really spiritual?

Reno Omokri

Gospeller. Deep Thinker. #1 Bestselling author of Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years. Avid traveller. Hollywood Magazine Film Festival Humanitarian of the Year, 2019.