Utilising IIOT, Traceability and Vision to create Smarter Assembly Lines

A global automotive component manufacturer engaged in the manufacturing of electronic digital instrument clusters for leading two wheeler and four wheeler manufacturers.

To achieve ‘zero-defects manufacturing’ and have real-time data-based control over the complete process comprising of 14 stages.

In this particular case, the digital instrument cluster assembly line has 14 stages and the whole operation is being handled manually. Imagining the assembling of multiple, complex, small components going on at each stage, a significant part of the line needed to be automated with a total traceability solution to trace and verify the history, location, or application of all components by means of an automated documented recorded identification procedure.

Vision solutions keep track of all vital parameters: The vision solution keeps track of all vital parameters such as PCB inspection, its soldering with the robot, lighting, etc. at all 14 assembly stages.

Traceability and IoT bring in data enabled real-time control: The data (images together with parameters) is then fed by Omron’s Programmable Logic Controllers to a local server (SQL database) to enable Big Data management as well as ensuring its real time availability for the team members to gauge the status of operation not only at their station but also at all the stations in the line for statistical analysis, quality control, quick identification of faulty parts, managing & tracing loss of components, etc.

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