6 min readJan 23, 2018

How Onlive LTD is revolutionizing different industries..

There has been a drastic shift in the thinking of most people. A while back, most people believed that governments and public policies could solve most problems. However, there is a growing consensus that technology is the key to improving the lives of millions in different industries. At the forefront of this revolution is Onlive Ltd.

What is Onlive ltd?

Onlive LTD is a technology company that liaises with experts in different industries to come up with various projects that can address specific problems in these branches. The firm is not limited to a specific sector. Instead, the Onlive team uses their technological expertise to help improve the different business by providing solutions that are usable and functional. In the process, Onlive dynamically improves the world. The two main projects already ready to deploy by Onlive LTD are:


This is a platform that provides live streaming services to clients. The applicability of the technology is limitless. It can be used as a simple medium to broadcast content to others, or it can be used as a tool for live customer relationship management. Thanks to On.Live everyone can become a Broadcaster and earns money for presenting valuable content in various business models: Pay Per View, Pay Per Minute, In-Stream Payments, Advertising, Tips / Donations, Subscription Plans, etc.

Even though these are the two current projects already completed, there are numerous others in the pipeline targeting different industries.


This provides fitness doctors, trainers, and nutritionist with a platform where they can provide their services to customers conveniently. The customers simply select one of the nutritionists or trainers on the platform who will create a specialized diet or workout regimen that they can use at home. This is less costly to both the customer and the lifestyle experts as opposed to other platforms. Everyone can call live and talk at any time, practice together, consult, pay in a convenient way, arrange appointments etc.

How On.Live is changing video streaming?

The On.Live Platform revolutionises both the video broadcast and remote consultations markets. It offers unlimited scalability and availability utilising Blockchain Technology and a completely decentralised Peer-to-Peer network. Anyone can contribute to the system if they have the processing power and bandwidth. Smart incentivisation of these contributions guarantees decentralisation and creates a new economy driven by ONL tokens.

The current video streaming services like Facebook, YouTube or Twitch are centralized to the extent that it hinders the free sharing of information. On.Live offers an alternative that is decentralized, confidential and secure. The platform is geared towards professionals who can offer consultancy services via video chat with customers. This offers numerous benefits to the professionals and users.

  1. Access to professionals and customers from around the world. Customers will be able to receive professional services from anywhere around the world in real time.
  2. Reduced transaction costs for professionals and customers. Previously, professionals had to travel vast distances to consult with customers in other parts of their countries or other regions around the world. However, now the same services can be accessed at a fraction of the cost.
  3. Flexible charging system. The platform has a variety of options that professionals can use to charge customers. It can be pay-per-view, pay-per-minute, instant payments or even a subscriptions plan. The flexibility is useful.
  4. Transcoder marketplace. Live video broadcasts require high computing power for many viewers. The open market for this type of services means that anyone who has the right computing power and high speed internet connection can start earning money.
  5. Access to analytics. The On.Live platform will provide broadcasters with analytics that can be used to fine tune the business offering. The analytics are inbuilt into the system.
  6. Improved security of the information. Live streaming is alluring, but it presents the problem of confidentiality, especially in sectors like the legal and the medical sectors. On.Live solves this by utilizing blockchain technology that uses cryptography to secure the information while providing unparalleled confidentiality.
  7. Censorship free. Most of the other video streaming sites seem to be actively censoring different accounts using algorithms. This limits the creativity of content creators who are constantly afraid of their accounts being limited. On.live provides a platform where there is no censorship however, the decision to broadcast the selected content also depends on the transcoder.
  8. Dispute resolution. Any platform that involves the interaction of two parties will experience disputes. On.Live has set measures to deal with and pre-empt disputes. The smart contracts used pre-empt any disputes by highlighting any caveats in advance. Additionally, the peer-based dispute resolution approach allows the Onlive community to solve its disputes.
  9. ONL Token — ONL tokens serve as a sole payment method inside the OnLive Network. Users use ONL tokens for paying to the Broadcasters for the content they provide or for one-to-one online video-services, to Transcoders for transcoding services and to Relay Nodes for broadcasts.

A large key to the success of the project is the dedicated team several dozen people from different parts of the world take part in the project. The team is led by the founder, Chris Rybka CEO, Daniel Bayer and Anna Rybka co founder and professional manager, among many others. The core Onlive LTD team has the experience and technical know-how to guarantee implement the project. The project is also attended by over a dozen companies, including several large specialized software houses employing many programmers each.

OnLive LTD is a part of Global Entrepreneur Programme (GEP) support by UK Government through Department for International Trade’s (DIT) . Project On.Live was selected like one of the most interesting project from Central Europe and is fully ready to run.

Since the platform relies on blockchain technology, the native cryptocurrency of choice will be the ONL token. This is an ERC-20 token that will be used to pay for services on the platform. The token has low latency APIs to Raiden Network that will allow instant remittance to ensure that services are offered in real-time on the platform. Customers will obtain these tokens from major exchanges and professionals will be able to withdraw them using the same exchanges.

Join the revolution

This project will change the service market for ever, we believe that live services are the future. Onlive offers you real time transactions, convenient settlements, encryption in transmissions, logging off all transactions and all kind of events guaranteed by the blockchain architecture. Settlements will be made by cryptocurrencies and it is the only project of its kind in the market.

The platform has already been developed to completion, and all that is left is the implementation. This makes On.Live is different from most other platforms that require the money from the ICO to develop the project. Instead, On.Live only needs to be deployed. Onlive LTD has opted to open investment to the public to make the project truly open to everyone everywhere. Raising funds for the launch will be done using a public ICO. The crowdfunding will be subdivided into two. First will be the Pre-ICO slated for 22nd January 2018 with limited token number and time, the main ICO will be held on 11th March 2018.

Onlive LTD will reward investors with tokens at discounted prices. The greatest discounts will be during the Pre-ICO, but only a limited number of investors will have that opportunity. However, even the main ICO will provide handsome discounts for investors. All you need to do is take part in the ICO and wait till the official launch to make money based on the listed prices.

Most of the proceeds will be used to market the platform to professionals and customers through an aggressive bounty campaign all over the world.

Join the On.Live revolution by taking part in the ICO and Pre-ICO.

All you need to do is visit website https://On.Live and take part in revolution.


The market place for paid advice live broadcasts and computing power.